A Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a disease that causes debilitating fatigue. Such condition lasts for six months and more doesn't go away with regular bed rest. Victim of CFS is not able carry out daily life activities in a normal way as he doesn't find enough strength to do so.

Apart from interfering with normal routine disease also causes muscle fatigue, weakness, exhaustion and intense mental and physical stress. CFS victim loses mental clarity and sharpness while finding it hard to concentrate on any task. People with in the age of 40s and 50s are more likely to suffer from this disease. Women are common sufferers of this syndrome according to stats; the disease hits females, four times more than men.

There can be so many causes leading to CFS. Unfortunately, none of them is known accurately. There is no rule of thumb or any test that can specifically identify this disease in the victim. Apart from giving difficulty in diagnosis. It is quite obvious that if causes are vague then no proper treatment can be found out. Medical professional have spent more than 20 years to research about dynamics of this disease but they have not gained any success.

Due to such features, disease emerges as more like a mental illness. Despite of getting treatment, patient find it tough to recover. In many cases condition of the victim becomes severe. He further suffers the social alienation for not being able of performing all his activities according to normal routine. Such circumstances induce depression, anxiety and stress leading to other issues.

Still, scientists and related professionals are engaged in research to find out the cure for this disease which is engulfing millions of Americans. Stats reveal that hardly 20% of Americans have been diagnosed with this CFS.

Although, proper diagnosis and treatment mechanism is absent, still there are ways to abate the level of adversity by utilizing certain ways. Here are the resources that supply sufficient information to victims on how they can get support during their disease and overcome their loss.

Resources for Information and Support for the Victims of CFS

Centres for the Control of CFS: This is the resource where people can keep themselves updated with the latest information and development about knowing the CFS. They can check for symptoms, ways to diagnose, cures and any precautionary measures needed to adopt during the period.

National Library of Health for CFS: This resource allows a person to conduct more personal research. It provides a mix of information resources elaborating on all the aspects of CFS. Starting from a basic overview to information on relevant research going on, therapies, remedial measures to the ways of coping with disease; all such material is found in one place.

Apart from this, articles related to CFS in children and teenagers can also be found, in case such information is needed.

Women's Health: CFS, FAQs: Stats reveal that women are likely to suffer from this chronic disease four times more than men. Hence, there is greater need for them to explore details about this disease. Here is an information resource from the Department of Health and Human Services. Knowledge provided on this platform specially elaborates on the impact of CFS on women as they have greater risk to contract this disease. Women can know about searching regarding their particular issues while exploring different treatment options for them. Here, they can get links to other useful resources too.

Virus Linked to CFS: The latest research has revealed that CFS has strong link with virus. If this is so then disease can have further complications and its treatment can require use of antibiotics making the patient to adopt more strict measures. For this purpose need to remain updated increased manifolds. Patients can find about further developments on this platform.

CFS Examination Worksheet: Patients can access a worksheet from the Department of Veteran's Affairs. Worksheet presents a way to diagnose disability induced because of CFS. This presentation is in fact a guidelines for patient to understand whether he is suffering from this disease or not by analysing himself on the basis of certain attributes or disabilities. It can't be authentic but surely be helpful.

Medical Evidence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A fact sheet to determine the diagnostic criteria has been presented by the Social Security Administration. It is basically helpful for medical professionals. They can establish by seeing at this sheet whether the CFS is actual cause of disability or not.

Such arrangement to determine an evidence criterion is necessary on part of the government as no proper diagnostic mechanism is available. Hence these guidelines in the form of fact sheet and worksheet prove to be helpful for both medical professionals as well as the victims who want to know the matter.