member offline patty12
40, Clear Lake Riviera, California, USA


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40 year old Woman, 5'8" (173 cm)
Last Login:
member offline 3+ months ago
Men, for Long Term Relationship
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 7 years
Some College/University
Non-smoker, Drinks Sometimes, No Drugs
Has Children?
Wants Children?
Personality Type:
Animal Lover
My Exercise Habits:
1-2 Times Per Week
Second Language:
Christian: Other Denomination or Non-Denominational
Has Pets?
Dog(s) & Cat(s)
Has Car?
Political Views:
I Dont Follow Politics
Postal Zip Code Area:
95422, CA
About Me:
It doesn't matter where you move from or to, you always take yourself with you. I do believe that a person is alive if he or she has a dream, otherwise it's just existence without any point. I am a mature woman, who knows what a real life is and how it's hard sometimes to overcome hardships alone, despite my young age I already know what it means to lose and to win! As a woman I'm passionate, romantic and feminine. I'm the giver and for the sake of love I'm ready to give a lot. I don't wear rosy glasses and I know how difficult life can be sometimes but I am sure that when you feel support of your beloved, you are able to overcome all problems and troubles. I really want to be inspiration to my husband. I want to create a place that we will both call our love nest and to surround it with love. If you feel that I could be the woman you are looking for, write to me and maybe that very moment you notice me among others will be the moment of our beginning. I am active ! person, I began to work as travel guide when I was a student and since that time traveling is my biggest passion.

About My Match:
I don't want a prince or a careless guy, I want a man who deserves to be called a man. He has no fears and is able to spend the rest of his life with one woman. My man should have a nice sense of humor because I believe that a smiling lady is a beautiful lady. I don't need perfection, I just need my man to be open-minded, to be able to love and to be be loved. I believe that somewhere, maybe in other corner of the world exists someone who shares the same views on life with me and who knows maybe it's you. I hope it was the last application in my life where I have to open my soul for everyone who wants to read the information about me. So, if you want to see a perfect relationship, watch a movie, if you want something more lasting, let's try to give a chance to each other!

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