Musical Notes

947 Views 40 Players 0 Comments Last Played: 01/27/24

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Description: Play in tune and showcase your musical talent!

Introduction: Rock stars, classical musicians, jazz lovers and enthusiasts of music, are you ready to take the test of music notes? Your task in this game is to play the notes that appear on the staves by using the keyboard. When the game starts, you will be given a keyboard at the bottom of the screen. Music notes on the treble clef will scroll from right to left, and you need to click and play the notes on the keyboard according to the order of appearance. If you hit a wrong note, the note you played will be indicated in red on the corresponding staff. You need to play the correct note again so as to remove it. Starting the game with 5 lives, one life will be deducted if you click a wrong note or cannot play a note before it disappears. If all lives are gone, you lose. As you advance in the game, both the treble clef and the bass clef will appear, and accidentals such as sharps and flats may be added to the notes. Sing along and enjoy the beauty of music!

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High Scores
GamerLevelScore Date
Wymzikal33950 04/06/23
kennywrench22850 01/21/24
kennywrench22700 01/21/24
Wymzikal22100 04/10/23
kennywrench21950 01/21/24
Wymzikal21800 04/06/23
kennywrench21500 01/21/24
RedRenee202011100 08/08/23
Harbingerman1900 01/27/24
Wymzikal1600 04/06/23
Harbingerman1400 01/27/24
HotRadRod19631400 02/03/23
Harbingerman1300 01/27/24
Nick90001200 12/27/19
Bass1100 12/17/23
Boo20051100 08/28/19
Loverobin1100 10/20/23
caterpillar991100 09/07/23
HARD7JIMMIE1100 07/24/23
AmazingAmanda1100 04/24/23
caterpillar9910 09/07/23
Ollie6910 02/05/23
Loverobin10 10/20/23
Wymzikal10 04/06/23
Bass10 12/17/23
Francesway1410 03/16/21
orbindurbin10 05/17/20
orbindurbin10 05/17/20
orbindurbin10 05/17/20
orbindurbin10 05/17/20
Nick900010 12/27/19
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