Violence, Abuse and Conflict In Dating

Dating is getting to know one's partner with the aim of forging a long-term relationship. Since time immemorial, dating has been considered a gateway to marriage.

Dating violence involves a pattern of intentional abusive behaviour by a partner used to exercise control over the other. Violence in dating uses violent words and or actions as tools.

Dating violence happens to people of all races, cultures, incomes, and education levels. It can happen at any stage of the relationship, whether a new one or a long-term relationship, it can happen to the young and the old, and in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. Dating violence is a vice that should be thwarted by people experiencing it, by seeking help.

Forms of violence

We could classify violence in dating into basically 5 forms:

Origin of violence in dating

For some, having grown in families where violence is common, especially when those involved in it are there parents and or guardians, the behaviour pours over to their dating lives where violence becomes a part of their relationships.

Consequences of violence in dating How to resolve violence in dating

Finally, before getting into a relationship or even starting to date, individuals should strive to know a lot or if possible everything about their partner.

Other useful information: this is the center for disease control's website which is helpful in providing statistics and information about teen dating violence, intimate partner violence, and violence prevention. provides information about violence in dating and the various forms of violence siting various occurrences that depict violence in dating.