3 EASY FREAKSHAKES | milkshakes 3 ways (1)

  • Zero- Dating Profile
    Sep 3, 2023 6:11 AM UTC

    Oreo milkshake:

    200g vanilla ice cream
    100ml whole milk
    60g (6 pcs) oreo cookies

    for serving:

    melted chocolate
    oreo cookies
    whipping cream

    Vanilla s'mores milkshake:

    200g vanilla ice cream
    150ml whole milk
    1/4 tsp vanilla extract

    for serving:

    melted chocolate
    whipping cream

    Peanut butter & jam milkshake:

    200g vanilla ice cream
    100ml whole milk
    60g peanut butter

    for serving:

    melted chocolate
    chopped peanuts
    raspberry jam
    whipping cream


    Oreo milkshake:

    1. In a blender, beat the vanilla ice cream, milk, and Oreo cookies.
    2. Decorate the glass with melted chocolate and chopped Oreo cookies, pour in the milkshake, garnish with whipped cream. Put Oreo cookies on top.

    Vanilla s'mores milkshake:

    1. In a blender, beat the vanilla ice cream, milk, and vanilla extract.
    2. Decorate the glass with melted chocolate, pour in the milkshake, garnish with whipped cream. Put marshmallows on top and fry it with a burner.

    Peanut butter & jam milkshake:

    1. In a blender, beat the vanilla ice cream, milk, and peanut butter.
    2. Decorate the glass with melted chocolate and chopped peanuts. Add raspberry jam and pour in the milkshake, garnish with whipped cream. Sprinkle with chopped peanuts and jam on top.
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by Zero-
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Created: Sep 3, 2023 6:11 AM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Sep 3, 2023 6:11 AM UTC
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