Need a Teacher (10)

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  • Hypnotic_Ways Dating Profile
    Hypnotic_Ways OP 8 Posts East Toledo, Ohio, USA
    Jun 7, 2021 4:47 AM UTC
    New to the Toy game Bs Help smilie emoji/emoticon smiley who wants to teach me how to use them. I mean I could watch a porn n teach myself, but damn why do that when you've never had to f*ck yourself beforeLMAO smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Devil2 smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Asswag smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
  • maximusprimus666 Dating Profile
    maximusprimus666 3 Posts Manhattan, Kansas, USA
    Jun 7, 2021 10:21 PM UTC

    New to the Toy game Bs Help smilie emoji/emoticon smiley who wants to teach me how to use them. I mean I could watch a porn n teach myself, but damn why do that when you've never had to f*ck yourself beforeLMAO smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Devil2 smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Asswag smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Banana smilie emoji/emoticon smiley I would love to be your master teacher and use all the different toys to f*ck your pu**y in oh so many ways
  • 12SmokeU Dating Profile
    Jun 8, 2021 9:21 PM UTC

    New to the Toy game Bs Help smilie emoji/emoticon smiley who wants to teach me how to use them. I mean I could watch a porn n teach myself, but damn why do that when you've never had to f*ck yourself beforeLMAO smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Devil2 smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Asswag smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    I would be more than happy showing you how to enjoy your new toys with hands on directions one on one making sure you get everything out of your new equipment possible, i will also push to their limits to see just how far they can go and give you a piece of mind that you will not have to worry about being left alone with faulty equipment. Lets set Up a time to meet And break in these wonderful things you have
  • 12SmokeU Dating Profile
    Jun 8, 2021 9:25 PM UTC

    New to the Toy game Bs Help smilie emoji/emoticon smiley who wants to teach me how to use them. I mean I could watch a porn n teach myself, but damn why do that when you've never had to f*ck yourself beforeLMAO smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Devil2 smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Asswag smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    I would be more than happy showing you how to enjoy your new toys with hands on directions one on one making sure you get everything out of your new equipment possible, i will also push to their limits to see just how far they can go and give you a piece of mind that you will not have to worry about being left alone with faulty equipment. Lets set Up a time to meet And break in these wonderful things you have

    I also am available 24 hrs by phone for questions and support to get you through any problems you might encounter i can walk you through them step by step just as if i were there

    Edited: Apr 7, 2022 10:23 PM UTC
  • Hypnotic_Ways Dating Profile
    Hypnotic_Ways OP 8 Posts East Toledo, Ohio, USA
    Jun 9, 2021 1:56 AM UTC
    Well thank you very much love ??Devil2 smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
  • Hypnotic_Ways Dating Profile
    Hypnotic_Ways OP 8 Posts East Toledo, Ohio, USA
    Jun 9, 2021 2:01 AM UTC

    New to the Toy game Bs Help smilie emoji/emoticon smiley who wants to teach me how to use them. I mean I could watch a porn n teach myself, but damn why do that when you've never had to f*ck yourself before LMAO smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Devil2 smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Asswag smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Banana smilie emoji/emoticon smiley I would love to be your master teacher and use all the different toys to f*ck your pu**y in oh so many ways

    🤭­ðŸ¥³ I think it's time to have a pnp party live broadcast 🥳😜

    Drunk smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Punk smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Big Grin smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Edited: Apr 7, 2022 10:24 PM UTC
  • mlok7083gmailcom Dating Profile
    mlok7083gmailcom 4 Posts Olympia, Washington, USA
    Jun 9, 2021 6:09 PM UTC

    New to the Toy game Bs Help smilie emoji/emoticon smiley who wants to teach me how to use them. I mean I could watch a porn n teach myself, but damn why do that when you've never had to f*ck yourself before LMAO smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Devil2 smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Asswag smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Banana smilie emoji/emoticon smiley I would love to be your master teacher and use all the different toys to f*ck your pu**y in oh so many ways

    🤭­ðŸ¥³ I think it's time to have a pnp party live broadcast 🥳😜

    Drunk smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Punk smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Big Grin smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    lets do this! lmao Banana smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Clap smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Party smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Cheers smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Beer smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Rastasmilie smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Punk smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Whip smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Thumbsup smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Edited: Apr 7, 2022 10:23 PM UTC
  • bcloudy33 Dating Profile
    Jul 8, 2021 5:58 AM UTC
  • Lookin4sumfun69 Dating Profile
    Lookin4sumfun69 2 Posts Mounds, Oklahoma, USA
    Apr 7, 2022 2:56 AM UTC
    Let's get spun and I'll show you how to use those toys. You interested?

    New to the Toy game Bs Help smilie emoji/emoticon smiley who wants to teach me how to use them. I mean I could watch a porn n teach myself, but damn why do that when you've never had to f*ck yourself before LMAO smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Devil2 smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Asswag smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Banana smilie emoji/emoticon smiley I would love to be your master teacher and use all the different toys to f*ck your pu**y in oh so many ways

    🤭­ðŸ¥³ I think it's time to have a pnp party live broadcast 🥳😜

    Drunk smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Punk smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Big Grin smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    Edited: Apr 7, 2022 10:23 PM UTC
  • nativerider Dating Profile
    nativerider 10 Posts Pensacola, Florida, USA
    Dec 30, 2023 4:04 PM UTC

    Well thank you very much love ??Devil2 smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    I will text, chat video chat. What ever you like
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in Ohio
Created: Jun 7, 2021 4:47 AM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Dec 30, 2023 4:04 PM UTC
Likes: 20 (1 Women, 19 Men)
Last Liked: Apr 21, 2024 6:30 AM UTC
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