Writing Good Messages - Online Dating

They say: "First impressions make lasting impressions". This is a good tip to keep in mind when writing a user for the first time. The goal is to make them know you are interested, but also make them want to write a response message back to you. You want to introduce yourself and keep things casual, light and friendly. Also think about what type of message you would like to receive.

1) Be literate and use good grammar. Studies show that using formal English with full words, full sentences and good grammar is much more successful than one word "hey" messages. Use real words and not slang, for example: Use "you" instead of "u". Most users ignore users who write "first contact" messages full of slang or messages with few words. The only time slang and 1-word messages are good is after you have developed a good relationship with a user, have already nailed the first impression and the user is comfortable with you.

2) Read their profile before writing them. This is a great way find conversation ideas, similar interests and passions. Users write about things they are interested in, so a good way to make a first impression and break the ice is to ask them questions about the things they like, or better yet, things you both like. Users are looking for people who are interested in them, and this is a great way to let your personality shine as well. Always try to ask a question and keep the conversation going, give them one more reason to respond!

3) Be upbeat and light. When it comes to your first contact message to a user, don't talk about serious issues such as your recent breakup/divorce or how you are ready to get married and have kids. Keep your first impression simple and fun. The rest will come later.

4) Be polite and friendly! Don't be rude or say mean things to users, or about other people. Try to steer clear of impersonal words like "babe" or "sexy" in a first contact attempt. These words may be offensive to some users, even though they may not be offensive to you. Also, don't focus on physical compliments so much. Instead, read their profile carefully and compliment them on how awesome they are, now how sexy their body is. Studies show that messages complimenting them on their body, usually do not get many responses.

5) Always review your message before sending it - Don't drink and write! Read it a second time over to make sure your grammar and spelling has good quality. Read it aloud in your head to make sure it doesn't sound odd. Ask yourself if you would want to receive a message like this, or would you respond to a message like this? Writing a quality message will show the user that you have a genuine interest in them. Lastly, don't drink and write. No matter how "interesting" your message sounds when you are drunk, it probably isn't - don't send it until you are sober. Age old advice: Drinking = Bad Decisions.

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