Marianna Draws

Marianna Draws: Dating and Relationship Expert

Author Bio:

Marianna Draws is a professional writer by choice and health savvy by habit. Contributor at Smartpillwiki. A strong believer in the power of positive thinking, regularly develop internal wellness campaigns with effective mental health techniques.

My Posts:

  • Dating Feminists: How to Avoid Mistakes - Feminism is an ideology that has become very popular in this age. It advocates for equal rights and opportunities for both of the sexes. Guys make a lot of mistakes when dating a woman already but make even more when dating a feminist. Many men are afraid of dating feminists because they feel intimidated by them. However, it is not that hard to be in a relationship with a feminist as it might seem, you just have to learn how to avoid putting your foot in your mouth. If you are here, you are already thinking about dating one with these values. Below are some tips on how you can avoid making mistakes when dating a feminist.