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Puppy_Daddy Dating Profile
Puppy_Daddy Dating Profile
RE: Chad O Jackson Exposes MLK


JFK was a Democrat but was a well known womanizer and drug abuser. LBJ was a Democrat but one of the worst racists ever in Political office. Eisenhower was a Republican who had a life-long affair with his aide. Truman and FDR also cheated on their wives (both Democrats) while in office. FDR illegally locked up Japanese-Americans for no reason in internment camps. Andrew Jackson marched thousands of Native Americans on the Trail of Tears to their deaths all to benefit white farmers and land developers in the East. None of these people were Communists.

It's not the political philosophy that matters. It's their actions.

The entire Democratic ideology is problematic for Black people. Democrats are the party of the KKK and their actions as of late have proven that they want the slave class returned. That’s why they opened the borders.

No argument there. Unfortunately, the current Republican party is not much better. That's why Trump was able to cross party lines and get supporters across the board. As a Libertarian, I don't follow either philosophy.

AishaSilver Dating Profile
RE: Chad O Jackson Exposes MLK

JFK was a Democrat but was a well known womanizer and drug abuser. LBJ was a Democrat but one of the worst racists ever in Political office. Eisenhower was a Republican who had a life-long affair with his aide. Truman and FDR also cheated on their wives (both Democrats) while in office. FDR illegally locked up Japanese-Americans for no reason in internment camps. Andrew Jackson marched thousands of Native Americans on the Trail of Tears to their deaths all to benefit white farmers and land developers in the East. None of these people were Communists.

It's not the political philosophy that matters. It's their actions.

The entire Democratic ideology is problematic for Black people. Democrats are the party of the KKK and their actions as of late have proven that they want the slave class returned. That’s why they opened the borders.
Puppy_Daddy Dating Profile
RE: Becoming Brigitte

since 90% of everything doesn't work here...

Anyway, according to rumor we already had that here.
Puppy_Daddy Dating Profile
RE: Becoming Brigitte

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