Posts by: indulged

  • indulged Dating Profile
    indulged San Diego, California, USA
    Nov 8, 2022 2:34 AM UTC
    Giants/Flying Ships/Mnt Shasta

    I remember hearing a tale one time about flying boats that where around the mountains in Northern California and something about giants as well. Can anyone sharpen my curiosity about this topic?

    I'd be interested in someone elaborating on this too"¦
  • indulged Dating Profile
    indulged San Diego, California, USA
    Aug 20, 2022 1:01 PM UTC
    Will being

    Post beliefs on the current condition of gay issues in the political agenda.

    I replied to this poll, but had some hesitation.
    Fashionable is synonymous with trendy
    Yet, I just don't see placing my gay in storage reappearing years later as vintage or retro, for another go-round?
  • indulged Dating Profile
    indulged San Diego, California, USA
    Aug 24, 2021 12:44 AM UTC

    Why would any female want a feces covered p*nis to play with?
    Maybe you like sucking filth, but females don't

    Why would any female or male think to say something this stupid never mind actually post it for the world to see?