Shut the Box

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Description: How many boxes can you cover after the roll?

Introduction: Shut the Box is an interesting challenge that requires good arithmetic skills and careful planning, and your goal in the game is to cover as many boxes as possible based on the numbers of the dice. When the game starts, a square board which is evenly divided into 12 boxes will be shown, and the boxes are numbered from 1 to 12. Click the Roll Dice button on the screen, then cover the box(es) that equals the sum of the roll. For example if 3 and 6 are rolled which give the sum of 9, you can click to cover the box(es) that the sum is 9, such as 9 itself, 3 and 6, 1 and 2 and 6, etc. Continue to cover the boxes until no more moves can be made, and your score will be calculated. Will you be able to achieve an amazing record?

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