Getting too old for this ! I still have not had the honor of marriage. I can't have any kids that was my own choice.
I love kids if you have kids. It's fine.
As long as they're over the toddler age.
Then it's all good.
member offline PU238
56, Bakersfield

member offline PU238: how soon is when ???

56 year old Man, 6'0" (183 cm)
Woman, for Long Term Relationship
Body Type:
Chef owner to catering companies
Bachelors Degree
Smokes Sometimes, Drinks Sometimes, Drugs Sometimes
1983Getting too old for this ! I still have not had the honor of marriage. I can't have any kids that was my own choice.
I love kids if you have kids. It's fine.
As long as they're over the toddler age.
Then it's all good.
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More Details:

Martial Status:
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Longest Relationship:
Over 3 years
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My Exercise Habits:
3-4 Times Per Week
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Want Children?
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Political Views:
I Dont Follow Politics
Postal Zip Code Area:
93301, CA

About Me:

Howdy everybody my name is Phil username pu238 I turned 60 last September I don't think like a 60-year-old I don't act like a 60 year old I went to my high school reunion and I couldn't even stomach those people they look and they were just defeated and I am not a defeatist I don't even utter defeatism I'm just happened to be 60 years old but I'm still in my late twenties I haven't changed any of my thinking patterns or I don't think old in other words in the '80s I was into everything I had a mohawk and all those good delicious drugs in the 80s or that steps all gone except for the music I Still Love the music but the party favors they're all gone I survived and that in itself is a miracle we open for some of well known punk bands in the LA San Francisco areas much better times but now I would like to have some sanity in the second half of my life I just sold my catering companies and I can move anywhere my family has all passed I've never been married no children but I know of and I'm looking for anything from one night stand or whatever those things attached to husband and wife or life Partners or anything in between whatever she would like to do I'm good with it she could develop you like I said from a one-nighter to marriage I'm in between what I'm just ask for a few things I mean I think a relationship must have incredible communication you must know everything there is about each other regardless of the title of the relationship honesty and loyalty and great sex in communication are the big four pillars I call that for a relationship I I think that without any one of those relations for sure Doom to fail I just like somebody who's up front and honest and communicates I'm not asking for a daily report or anything I just want to be alive with somebody that I can trust and that's the whole thing Trust I want to be able to entrust secrets to her that will never leave her lips regardless of what happens with us if it's an it's a soul secret it's an aura killer if you ever repeat it to anybody if something that is part of being a human a good person is keeping in the secret and when I'm able to do that the world is yours if I can give it to you I'm not into jealousy insecurity possessiveness machoism I have never struck anyone unless I am defended myself but out of anger I don't I do not come violent ever I have thrown spoons and pots and pans and other things but I'm an executive chef that's my right I had two catering companies and they gave me a stroke in 2014 I'm fine now but the prognosis was quite a plegic and not for me I haven't even been married yet yeah I'm 60 but I'm going on 29 I'm I can't even get along with people my age I'm not I don't see the same world they do because I haven't been there now I want to go there I'm ready I got out of everything I got it out of me I just screwed myself out of everything so now I want to start fresh I'm haven't been in a minute or with any any woman since what 2014 yeah August 15 what's the stroke August 15th 2014 but everything works I mean everything Captain howdy you're asking about? yes he works just fine!!!

My Ideal Match:

I am looking for a woman who has a very beautiful face I'm not counting out anyone because of their body type if you are beautiful you're beautiful regardless but I am a face man I love beautiful faces and if your body is beautiful too that's fine but everybody even large women have beautiful bodies I should have married one time when I had the chance but a beautiful face and one has a beautiful personality who is very feminine very passionate but can also take care of herself and can speak for herself and does not take crap from anyone including myself I'm on the top on the list now this is if there's a relationship if it's just a NSA then a lot of supplies love this doesn't apply but the honesty and communication always applies and with each other we're straight up with each other there's no reason why not to be there is in you shouldn't be with me I don't like Secrets I don't keep thinking I don't keep things from my significant other you're just a little you might as well just be me because I want to be able to find somebody there's got to be somebody on this planet you can trust and say whatever you want and know that they won't ever repeat it because it's again it's a soul trust promise and that makes the world of difference for you with when you know that they this person cares about you and him and we'll watch over you in spirit and mine and physically it's just knowing that they're there knowing that you're coming home to somebody and they're there instead I love my cat but it's not enough now that I'm retired I'm bored I'm out of my mind I'm so bored I'm the chairman of the board if you're out here believe me I may be 60 years old years wise but I'm looking damn good for my age I know it stress stress is what makes you look old and I try not to stress I love what Nina artist with a chef is an artist and a catering kick my a** and I didn't know when to stop and get some rest I just kept going until I stroked out so anyway if you're honest and have a pretty face you have a place in my heart even a strong beautiful personality would be just enough if you're a good person get back and I don't care anymore why be picky it shouldn't be picky I'm looking at the Long Haul here but if it's somewhere at no strings attached or NSA just I don't want any dishonesty I just I've never done that before I mean yeah I'm sure I'll stick bars okay sorry yeah I'm open to anything and if it progresses then I'm open to that too if it doesn't I'm not going to cry about it I hopefully I'll see you again maybe not but I'm not going to push it I will not push it I will not bring any black clouds or baggage with me okay I promise

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   Sender must be Female.
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   Sender must be older than 19 years old and younger than 56 years old.
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