Delaque44: Honest, caring, thoughtful and sincere. I hate liars.

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About Me:
I'm very useful to have around and resourceful in many situations.
Want to find someone special but people are so fake now days.
I'm easy going with a good sense of humor and like being active.
I dont want to control anybody or anything, if you don't do something out of your
own will to do so, it doesn't have any real meaning to me.
Almost everyone thinks backward in my opinion.
I'm straight forward, you might not like what i have to say but when you realize it was the truth, I'm still there because I was being sincere.
I'll stop myself... haahah!
Strike a conversation and be honest, I'll never judge you or your thoughts. I have nothing to hide, ask me anything. I'm honest with myself and I'll open up if I dont have a reason not to trust you. I'm simple, life is complex, we can make it easier on each other. You could talk to me, I'm a person, thats how it works. 😝