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  • massaman Dating Profile
    massaman OP 2 Posts sanford, Michigan, USA
    Apr 1, 2024 3:41 PM UTC
    Wouldn't that be great to find someone for the rest of our lives? To many fake people out there lol sorry just saying ..hi my name is Paul and I am looking for someone who is part or half Indigenous native american / american indian or full blooded or can hook me up with someone who is part,half or full indigenous native american/american indian! I am from Michigan and it is nice to meet you and I just was looking at your profile and I think that you are very beautiful and was just wondering if you would like to correspond with me and so some emails and do you believe in honesty,loyalty and truthfullness and are into hugs,kissing,hand holding and cuddling,then look no further and can we email each other and go from there?Also just would like a chance maybe if there is any interest at all and the old saying goes love knows no distance or and it no numbers so love is for all ages and all walks of life and do you believe in honesty,loyalty and truthfullness and are into hugs,kissing,hand holding and cuddling,then look no further and can we email each other and go from there?Also just would like a chance maybe if there is any interest at all and the old saying goes love knows no distance or and it no numbers so love is for all ages and all walks of life and you can contact me if you like.
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Created: Apr 1, 2024 3:41 PM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Apr 1, 2024 3:41 PM UTC
Likes: 2 (2 Women, 0 Men)
Last Liked: May 5, 2024 2:24 AM UTC
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