Cup Stacking

390 Views 8 Players 0 Comments Last Played: 05/23/20

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Description: Type the letters quickly to stack or remove the cups.

Introduction: Demonstrate your superb typing skills by building or demolishing the towers of cups! In this game, your task is to stack or remove the paper cups by typing the letters on them. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to start typing, then input the letters highlighted in black. Your score will be counting down from 50000 at the top left corner, so shine with your magical fingers to collect larger rewards!This game was suggested by Chris.

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High Scores
GamerTime Date
DominantInclinations57.147 05/23/20
DominantInclinations62.153 05/23/20
DominantInclinations64.178 05/23/20
DominantInclinations67.529 05/23/20
DominantInclinations70.008 05/23/20
DominantInclinations71.701 05/23/20
DominantInclinations120.630 05/23/20
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