Labeling Game

448 Views 9 Players 0 Comments Last Played: 01/19/23

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Description: Can you name the given body parts correctly?

Introduction: Take the test and see how much you have learnt in biology lessons! Your goal in this game is to use the correct labels to name the given parts of a human body, including the face, the body and the internal organs. At each level of the game you will be shown a diagram which contains a number of blanks, and the labels will be listed on the right of the diagram. To label the body parts, simply click and drag the labels to the corresponding blanks. If an answer is not correct, the label will be removed and you need to fill in the blank again. Your current score and the amount of time you have spent will be counted at the top of the screen. Try to complete all 3 levels with the highest speed and the fewest mistakes to become the brightest student!

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High Scores
GamerTime Date
DominantInclinations43.145 06/03/20
DominantInclinations47.133 06/02/20
Lonely_Scribe54.800 01/19/23
DominantInclinations55.270 06/03/20
Lonely_Scribe58.450 01/19/23
DominantInclinations65.912 06/02/20
DominantInclinations71.349 06/02/20
Lonely_Scribe73.250 01/19/23
DominantInclinations85.356 06/02/20
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