Pattern Memory

423 Views 5 Players 0 Comments Last Played: 05/24/20

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Description: Can you recall the distribution of the patterns?

Introduction: Memorization and reproduction are equally important in the game of Pattern Memory! Your goal in this game is to reveal the original patterns of the blocks after they are covered. At each level, you will be presented a certain rows of blocks, while some of them will be upturned for a few seconds. You need to observe and memorize the exact positions of the upturned blocks, then click the corresponding blocks to reveal the pattern. As you advance in the game, the number of blocks will increase and the pattern will become more complicated. One wrong click leads to the end of the game, therefore precise observation and quick memory are the keys to victory.

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High Scores
GamerLevelCorrect Count Date
DominantInclinations144 05/24/20
DominantInclinations136 05/24/20
DominantInclinations104 05/24/20
DominantInclinations104 05/24/20
DominantInclinations94 05/24/20
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