Mayumi Sugai

Mayumi Sugai: Dating and Relationship Coach

Author Bio:

A 23-year-old girl who loves traveling, writing and reading books. Mayumi also likes to try different kinds of food in every place she visits... as well as coffee. Every time she goes somewhere, the first place she visits is a local coffee shop, since that’s where she can get a glimpse of the local life.

My Posts:

  • 7 Simple Ideas to Make Your Long-Distance Relationship Exciting
    7 Simple Ideas to Make Your Long-Distance Relationship Exciting - Romantic relationships can face a lot of challenges and hurdles along the way, and one of the biggest challenges that any couple can face is being apart from each other. There are many circumstances that can lead to a couple needing to live away from each other, with common reasons being that your partner has to work or study abroad. No couple would ever want to live away from each other. However, certain situations make it unavoidable, adding a huge hurdle in the relationship as a whole.