Posts by: OlBikerBabe

  • OlBikerBabe Dating Profile
    Nov 26, 2023 6:12 PM UTC
    Meet up nightmare I took a chance. Talked on the phone for several weeks befor I drove down for Thanksgiving at their home.

    Im not a dirty person. My mom lived life that on any given moment the magazine photo shoot from BetterHomes&Garden would pop in unanounced to do a photo of our home.. Im not that bad but I am clean.

    The carpets were BLACK from not being cleaned or vacuum in years.
    I dont smoke. And 3 people sat puffing away on cigarettes. My athsma is still flaired up.
    Im a CDL driver. They do random drug screenings at my company..
    This guy lights up a bong and proceeded to get high for 20 minutes. Filling the place with pot smoke..
    I fear to go into the kitchen but ask his roommates girlfriend if I can help. Im given a list of items needed and gladly run to the store...yes i paid out of my pocket.
    I should have just kept driving my little but back to my home.
    After the meal was set out.. the roommates Girlfriend goes to lay down. So I get my but in gear to do the dishes and put food away..
    Omg I had to use the restroom.. the bathroom was so filthy I wanted to throw up..
    I finally just wipe my hands on my jeans cause I couldnt find a clean towel in there.
    Come out to gather my purse..
    The roommate goes after me for putting any of the food in containers and back in the fridge because he didn't want to eat cold leftovers.
    The date texted me last night.. told me off because I didnt stay the weekend and sleep with him..
    Omg It was a nightmare. I wont sleep with someone on a first date I made that clear many times.

  • OlBikerBabe Dating Profile
    Nov 19, 2023 8:29 PM UTC
    *Public Viewing Cancelled By YT (YouTube) Uploader*Like lavender. He can intensify the good when you are feeling good, but intensity sadness when when you are hurt.
  • OlBikerBabe Dating Profile
    Sep 6, 2023 8:44 PM UTC
    BlockingWhy block some one? There are some very cruel nasty people who slam others on this site. I personally have no use for those types of people in my like or on a hook up site.
    I want to meet someone with ethics, and Morals.
  • OlBikerBabe Dating Profile
    Aug 31, 2023 3:45 PM UTC
    Does age matter

    Ladies how important is age when dating.

    For me I'm 59 , age matters. With age, you get maturity. Well, I hope for some maturity, LOL . Looking at Age, I also know someone in their 70s wouldn't be able to keep up with my highly active lifestyle. Those in their early 50s may classify me as a cougar. So yes, in my case, age would matter.
  • OlBikerBabe Dating Profile
    Aug 31, 2023 1:33 AM UTC
    How do guys feel about women making the first move?Im not a guy. I probably shouldn't chime in, but we dont live in the 1800s any more. We work, pay bills, cook do laundry, why shouldn't we be able to ask a guy out ? Worst thing they could say is no.