Ballot Drop Boxes Installed Along Border Wall (3)

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  • Zero-Plus Dating Profile
    Mar 1, 2024 10:40 PM UTC


    Excerpt =BROWNSVILLE, TX — Texas residents woke up Thursday morning to find general election ballot boxes had been placed along the southern border wall that divides parts of the U.S. from Mexico.

    "I'm not sure where these ballot drop boxes came from," Brownsville resident Tom Walker told reporters. "Some around town think it has something to do with Presiden Biden's visit to the border. I saw some of his folks down handing out mail-in ballots to these illegal guys who keep coming into town. Makes a person wonder what's up."

    Biden's team denied placing the boxes strategically along the border wall right where the main surge of illegal immigrants are crossing into the country.

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  • gmoods Dating Profile
    gmoods 1 Post cincinnati, Ohio, USA
    Mar 30, 2024 6:47 AM UTC
    f*ck biden
  • ColdEthel Dating Profile
    ColdEthel 9 Posts Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
    May 9, 2024 4:14 AM UTC

    #"Ballot Drop Boxes Installed Along Border Wall"

    f*ck biden

    Naw...Biden's fucking YOU and most every American citizen ... because he and the Feds just took over the business that distributes all forwarding of monies from private employers to money services from internal repositories, companies and transfers to all banks and accounts...a business as old as America.
    It's executive order # op- 1640. "Fed Now". Is what these commie pigs are calling it but soon WW3 will call it, "Fed-up" because all the monsters that Trump chased out of their hiding spots in the Swamp of Wash ur DC now need more filthy evil things to do...kinda like the fukn illuminati and the Mob and mafia,too.
    So,next chaos and America turning as shirtless as the Ruskies and disgusting Chinese...communistic.
    So much for being on top or a superpower because when the creep moron Fedsget done Messing up everything we all worked so hard for to separate us from the Neanderthals and fools that believe that slavery and control is the answer to what we have currently compared to some fuct agenda for the top 1%.
    But stealing from innocent folks has a's called,annihilation of a sytem gone broken and humanity at large.
    "Digital money" is being quietly administered in place of paper money and banks folding lft and right all over the country is all it's taking to declare their state of emergency and thus breaking into everyone's accounts for any reason they (the Feds) deem necessary to freeze your monies/accounts or just outright take as they please your soc.sec.or retirement funds. Illegal to spend anything more than $1,000 on something that would cost fines and jail! Imagine how much madness this'll create? Book smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Flush smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

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Created: Mar 1, 2024 10:40 PM UTC
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Last Comment: May 9, 2024 4:14 AM UTC
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