Your thoughts on let's hangout (25)

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  • Letshangover23 Dating Profile
    Letshangover23 OP 4 Posts Orange, California, USA
    Dec 21, 2023 11:04 PM UTC
    Just let us know what you think
  • Rogerd247 Dating Profile
    Rogerd247 2 Posts Clarksburg, West Virginia, USA
    Dec 23, 2023 8:15 AM UTC
    Kinda slow, not very friendly Taz smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
  • rcmike Dating Profile
    rcmike 2 Posts West Milton, Ohio, USA
    Dec 28, 2023 11:47 PM UTC
    why no girls
  • Kinkyverse469 Dating Profile
    Kinkyverse469 5 Posts Ocean Park, Washington, USA
    Dec 30, 2023 6:11 AM UTC
    I'm just now giving this site a try , anyone from or in the s. w Washington State coast area long beach peninsula? Hmu
  • MrRyan Dating Profile
    MrRyan 5 Posts Brookeland, Texas, USA
    Jan 3, 2024 4:22 AM UTC
    So far no good.
  • Goodgravy Dating Profile
    Goodgravy 1 Post Riverside, California, USA
    Jan 4, 2024 3:07 AM UTC
    No friends list, no who viewed me list, no lets hang out list, nothing seems to work on this site.
  • Protector50 Dating Profile
    Protector50 1 Post Prescott, Arizona, USA
    Jan 5, 2024 10:51 PM UTC
    All but one of the same 6 ladies who keep coming up have not visited site for over 3+ mos. Is this site even legitimate or does it just not have many users where I am located!?
  • HARDnTHICKinPC Dating Profile
    Jan 10, 2024 1:38 AM UTC

    All but one of the same 6 ladies who keep coming up have not visited site for over 3+ mos. Is this site even legitimate or does it just not have many users where I am located!?

    Right?! WTF is this crap? Shows 22 users online and its always the same bots.
  • bigdikboy88 Dating Profile
    bigdikboy88 7 Posts Portland, Oregon, USA
    Jan 24, 2024 11:10 PM UTC
    this site sux
  • UpChuck Dating Profile
    Jan 29, 2024 7:29 PM UTC
    Total waste of time. Even the ugly women are fake spammers. I don't get how I can have all these matches with people that did not answer any of the personality & compatibility questions. It may cut down on the spammers somewhat if that feature worked as it would require them to do more work answering the questions.
  • Jasonka Dating Profile
    Jasonka 6 Posts Orange, Texas, USA
    Jan 30, 2024 2:48 AM UTC
    Yall blocked on chat bs too?
  • Jasonka Dating Profile
    Jasonka 6 Posts Orange, Texas, USA
    Jan 30, 2024 4:39 AM UTC
    We get what we pay for $0.00. All fucking frauds on here. But, it's fucking free so it's trash! Comical for me. I gave up meeting anyone close by on this mfr day 1. Now I just use it to f*ck with scammers!!! 🖕IT!!!!!
  • Luckedevil Dating Profile
    Jan 30, 2024 5:21 AM UTC
    According to this,,
    " As of September 2018, has an average of about 1,000 unique (and real) visitors and 8,000 page views each and every day!."
    Let's imagine for a minute that is correct.
    How many of those "1,000 unique (and real) visitors" stay on this site?
    I've been here a couple times for 30 days or more and I haven't seen any real female profiles. Not one!
    If they removed all the fake profiles, which is easy to do because most are from the same ip address (Nigeria), there would only be male profiles here.
    This site is very amateur and is making all the same mistakes as dozens of other dating sites that will never take off without an expensive ad campaign.
    This post will most likely be deleted. The same way they shut down chat when guys start pointing to all the fakes.

  • Jasonka Dating Profile
    Jasonka 6 Posts Orange, Texas, USA
    Jan 30, 2024 4:11 PM UTC

    According to this,,
    " As of September 2018, has an average of about 1,000 unique (and real) visitors and 8,000 page views each and every day!."
    Let's imagine for a minute that is correct.
    How many of those "1,000 unique (and real) visitors" stay on this site?
    I've been here a couple times for 30 days or more and I haven't seen any real female profiles. Not one!
    If they removed all the fake profiles, which is easy to do because most are from the same ip address (Nigeria), there would only be male profiles here.
    This site is very amateur and is making all the same mistakes as dozens of other dating sites that will never take off without an expensive ad campaign.
    This post will most likely be deleted. The same way they shut down chat when guys start pointing to all the fakes.

    This is absolutely true. It seems they block that public chat because a few of us called it out for what it is. That's not a coincidence. Typically politics in2024. Protect the frauds/criminals and punish the true/real people. I get its free and we honestly get what we pay for.......$0.00. It's really a fair trade. We pay zero therefore we get zero REAL women profiles. But, that doesn't change the fact this site is poorly managed. It's ALLdone by design. It's intentional ya'll. Just sayin. Cheers smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

  • LoonaLokka Dating Profile
    Feb 11, 2024 4:34 AM UTC
    I find I get people that want to hang out but I pass them cuz they are so far away. Wierd no one in the same state wants to hang out.
    Maybe I'm not compatible with anyine...oh well. I come here wen I'm bored. Still hoping to meet someone real in the same state at least.
  • starnie Dating Profile
    starnie 38 Posts Warren, Michigan, USA
    Feb 17, 2024 10:06 PM UTC
    I've chatted with several real women on here back and forth but mostly they are from the west coast or down in Florida, unfortunately not anyone who'd actually care to meet here in southeastern michigan. lts really a shame how much the world has changed over the past few decades, & mostly for the worse! l feel sorry for the young primarily, as they will never know what a "normal" childhood & parental upbringing was really like. All they seem to have these days, are their cell phones, a rotten educational system, governmental brainwashing, & pathetic hollyweird role models,,,to rely on for them to develop into intelligent leaders, of future generations...? Not to mention, crime, widespread corruption, health threats, lawlessness, and woke mental programming, by truly evil people! ~ ITS ALWAYS DARKEST, BEFORE THE DAWN... THIS TOO WILL PASS! l've said it before & l'll say it again... TIME TO WAKE UP, AMERICA...THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
  • ladyh Dating Profile
    ladyh 1 Post alamogordo, New Mexico, USA
    Feb 20, 2024 11:51 PM UTC

    So far no good.

    I agree
  • Hellraiser1357 Dating Profile
    Hellraiser1357 14 Posts Somerton, England, United Kingdom
    Mar 7, 2024 5:47 PM UTC
    The main site I use is Badoo as Badoo verify users photos, so no fakes on there, just real profiles. I'd suggest to anyone here Badoo us your best bet. Cheers
  • Zero-Plus Dating Profile
    Mar 7, 2024 7:47 PM UTC
    Dating-focused social networking service
    Badoo is a dating-focused social network founded by Russian entrepreneur Andrey Andreev in 2006. It is headquartered in Limassol, Cyprus and London, United Kingdom, with offices in Malta, Russia and the United States. It operates in 190 countries and is available in 47 languages, making it the world's most widely used dating network
  • Burbank_CA Dating Profile
    Burbank_CA 9 Posts Burbank, California, USA
    Mar 8, 2024 8:27 AM UTC
    My thoughts are this... At best only 3 - 5% of the female profiles are real. That leaves 95 - 97% that are scammers. The part that makes this fact even worst, is that its not getting any better nor is it staying the same. This time last year it was 90% scammer.

    Idk what the expierence is like from a female perspective, but if you're a guy... this site as of right now is nothing more than a waste of your time. You'll be dealing.with wannabe scammer after wannabe scammer. And they're not the smartest scammers either, bc if they're still trying to pull off this scam when nobody anymore is falling for it, they have to be at the bottom of the barrel as far as scammers go and to stupid to be able to think of something different to do.
  • NeedNewFriends Dating Profile
    Mar 11, 2024 6:16 PM UTC

    All but one of the same 6 ladies who keep coming up have not visited site for over 3+ mos. Is this site even legitimate or does it just not have many users where I am located!?

    Right?! WTF is this crap? Shows 22 users online and its always the same bots.

    Definitely needs work. Should be able to filter by last logged in date/time. But I have tried other sites that are not free. And they suck many times more. This site is decent.

  • NeedNewFriends Dating Profile
    Mar 11, 2024 6:18 PM UTC

    My thoughts are this... At best only 3 - 5% of the female profiles are real. That leaves 95 - 97% that are scammers. The part that makes this fact even worst, is that its not getting any better nor is it staying the same. This time last year it was 90% scammer.

    Idk what the expierence is like from a female perspective, but if you're a guy... this site as of right now is nothing more than a waste of your time. You'll be dealing.with wannabe scammer after wannabe scammer. And they're not the smartest scammers either, bc if they're still trying to pull off this scam when nobody anymore is falling for it, they have to be at the bottom of the barrel as far as scammers go and to stupid to be able to think of something different to do.

    I think most of the users are real. Just not seeing what they want, and stop coming back after a short time.

  • Shortstix Dating Profile
    Shortstix 6 Posts Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA
    Mar 29, 2024 2:39 AM UTC
    Not Eharmony no doubt
  • Buckster1962 Dating Profile
    Mar 29, 2024 1:39 PM UTC
    True, and yet, here we are!
  • zzzvapezzz30001 Dating Profile
    Mar 31, 2024 10:05 AM UTC
    I like that it exists because it fills a niche that other sites can’t. I think it’s a matter of giving it time based on what one might be looking to find on here. For me, I occasionally visited here for filling an unreliable need within a short timeframe, but now my goals are to find something more certain and am now willing to more frequently check over a long period of time.
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Created: Dec 21, 2023 11:04 PM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Mar 31, 2024 10:05 AM UTC
Likes: 32 (22 Women, 10 Men)
Last Liked: Jun 30, 2024 5:15 AM UTC
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