what do girls find so attractive in guys? (11)

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  • Maximus2025 Dating Profile
    Maximus2025 OP 3 Posts Centralia, Washington, USA
    Oct 13, 2023 10:43 AM UTC
    what do girls find so attractive in guys because I don't know what to believe I have heard from other guys that its how tall they are, how much money they have, or how strong they are so i don't know what to believe.
  • Rhonda123 Dating Profile
    Rhonda123 26 Posts New York City, New York, USA
    Oct 13, 2023 1:49 PM UTC
    well for me its intelligence- think Henry Kissinger
  • markowilde Dating Profile
    markowilde 8 Posts Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Oct 14, 2023 11:25 AM UTC
    As a guy, I think works both ways. It makes sense that both sexes like that. There is nothing sexier to me than intelligence. And that is not the same as "smart." It can manifest itself in someone who is clever, funny, sarcastic, etc. But my lord, nothing like going back and forth in a discussion with a girl who has her wits about her. Its kind of the other side of the fact that I dont care how hot a girl is, if she does not have that intelligence, the rest does not matter in terms of attraction.

    Sorry i know this was for girls, i just saw the intelligence and wanted to say that.
  • markowilde Dating Profile
    markowilde 8 Posts Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Oct 14, 2023 11:27 AM UTC
    some girls are like that and some are not. if someone said all girls are like that, they are around the wrong girls. But same as some guys only care about tits and a** (which is important haha) and could care less about a girls mind, or other similar things.
  • Rhonda123 Dating Profile
    Rhonda123 26 Posts New York City, New York, USA
    Oct 14, 2023 4:39 PM UTC
    very astute guys
  • Ashleigh Dating Profile
    Ashleigh 1 Post Burlington, Washington, USA
    Oct 15, 2023 4:30 PM UTC

    what do girls find so attractive in guys because I don't know what to believe I have heard from other guys that its how tall they are, how much money they have, or how strong they are so i don't know what to believe.

    For starters, many of us over the age of, say, 25 do not want to be referred to as 'girl'; we prefer to be called a woman.
    Personally, I prefer men who want to get to know a bit about me and have a sense of humor that is not only focused on sex, and chest hair - lots of chest hair for me to run fingers through.
    For some women, it is all about the bank account. Having the guy taller than herself can make a woman feel petite and protected. As for the guy being strong, not many of us are interested in men who look like they could be snapped in two easily, especially if the woman likes to play rough.
  • Shortstix Dating Profile
    Shortstix 6 Posts Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA
    Mar 25, 2024 12:49 AM UTC
    I am all about genuine honesty. Narcissistic emotional abusers mean nothing to me at all.

    I can honestly say I find being attracted to my man exuberantly important for being a good listener, calm in conversation about real troubles, and ultimately my protector. It helps that ge has the same fire attraction for me and not a wandering eye.

  • LorettaX Dating Profile
    LorettaX 14 Posts Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada
    Apr 9, 2024 7:12 AM UTC
    It's instinctual . Whether we are aware of it or not. The way the man smells , looks , sounds , feels and tastes . Yes, tastes is what attracts us to a man . Some women are willing to forgo these for security or financial gain . I'm not sure if this makes them happy ? Some women are attracted to funny men , sensitive men , dominant men , what we consider physically attractive men , and the list goes on. Most women want a man that reminds them of their father. I think that we { women } all are attracted to guys differently depending on our values and desires.
  • Robbie6565 Dating Profile
    Robbie6565 4 Posts Greenwood, South Carolina, USA
    Apr 30, 2024 3:38 PM UTC
    To me a woman can look like they should win any beauty pageant they want and have any guy they want. If they have a nasty uppity attitude and to me and a lot of men, I know will consider them unapproachable and ugly. On the other side of the coin, a woman can be of a larger size but have a nice, cheerful, warm attitude and be real, we'll want to be closer to them and want to spend time with them.
  • LuvDirtyF Dating Profile
    LuvDirtyF 2 Posts Doral, Florida, USA
    May 27, 2024 6:53 PM UTC

    I am all about genuine honesty. Narcissistic emotional abusers mean nothing to me at all.

    I can honestly say I find being attracted to my man exuberantly important for being a good listener, calm in conversation about real troubles, and ultimately my protector. It helps that ge has the same fire attraction for me and not a wandering eye.

    Hi, I’m not sure exactly what you mean Narcissistic emotional abusers mean nothing to you at all. Maybe I missed something here? Is that statement a reply to someone who mentioned Narcs?

  • LuvDirtyF Dating Profile
    LuvDirtyF 2 Posts Doral, Florida, USA
    May 27, 2024 7:09 PM UTC

    I am all about genuine honesty. Narcissistic emotional abusers mean nothing to me at all.

    I can honestly say I find being attracted to my man exuberantly important for being a good listener, calm in conversation about real troubles, and ultimately my protector. It helps that ge has the same fire attraction for me and not a wandering eye.

    Hi, I’m not sure exactly what you mean Narcissistic emotional abusers mean nothing to you at all. Maybe I missed something here? Is that statement a reply to someone who mentioned Narcs?

    Sorry, hit “send” by accident. I been married to my wife 23 years now who has a severe control issue. Warned her when our 2 girls were young and said, I’m putting up with your controlling bullshit for now because of the girls, but when they get older and leave the nest, I’m not going to put up with and guess what? You’re not gonna like it and shes not liking it now. She abandoned the marriage and left the home the 9th of this month, then i learned she is a Narc. If I have your reponse all wrong, I apologize but you HAVE to take a narc abuser serious.
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Created: Oct 13, 2023 10:43 AM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: May 27, 2024 7:09 PM UTC
Likes: 4 (0 Women, 4 Men)
Last Liked: Jun 27, 2024 4:05 PM UTC
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