Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman? (17)

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  • trishgirl52 Dating Profile
    trishgirl52 OP 13 Posts Paterson, New Jersey, USA
    Sep 6, 2022 3:20 PM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    While on video chat with a gentleman I had known for 30yrs and already been intimate with either forgot or didn't care that he had walked to the bathroom while video chatting with me. He started off in the bedroom and during the conversation it got dark and next thing I know he was no longer in the same spot.
    I said to him are you sitting on the toilet and he said yea. lol
  • ReadyToHaveFun71 Dating Profile
    Sep 6, 2022 6:44 PM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    While on video chat with a gentleman I had known for 30yrs and already been intimate with either forgot or didn't care that he had walked to the bathroom while video chatting with me. He started off in the bedroom and during the conversation it got dark and next thing I know he was no longer in the same spot.
    I said to him are you sitting on the toilet and he said yea. lol

    I would guess that he felt comfortable enough with you that it would be like having the conversation through the bathroom door. As long as he isn't pulling a "Peter Griffin" and showing his "accomplishment" before flushing it, then he probably thought you wouldn't mind. If it's something you'd rather not have happen again, let him know to just tell you he'll call you back in a few while he "powders his bum." Flush smilie emoji/emoticon smiley Thumbsup smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
  • Burbank_CA Dating Profile
    Burbank_CA 9 Posts Burbank, California, USA
    Sep 8, 2022 4:13 PM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    Cos he is the boss and knows he can do that shit around you and... really, what are you gon do about it?
    Thats how he thinks, not how I personally think btw. I would never do something like that. Lol. Never
  • starnie Dating Profile
    starnie 38 Posts Warren, Michigan, USA
    Sep 13, 2022 3:56 AM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    Oh I don't know it's a crazy world maybe toilets excite him more, than women....
  • matty4U Dating ProfileBANNED
    matty4U 1 Post Long Beach, California, USABANNED
    Nov 25, 2023 7:12 AM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    Cos he is the boss and knows he can do that shit around you and... really, what are you gon do about it?
    Thats how he thinks, not how I personally think btw. I would never do something like that. Lol. Never

    Funny reply lol.... What make you think you can't do that lol ?
  • Thom_w Dating Profile
    Thom_w 19 Posts San Jose, California, USA
    Nov 26, 2023 1:04 AM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    Cos he is the boss and knows he can do that shit around you and... really, what are you gon do about it?
    Thats how he thinks, not how I personally think btw. I would never do something like that. Lol. Never

    Funny reply lol.... What make you think you can't do that lol ?

    If you've just met it may be a lack of respect, but in time, if you can't at least fart in each others presence, something is missing, may even be a matter of trust.

  • Hollywoodiletu Dating Profile
    Hollywoodiletu 2 Posts Ozark, Alabama, USA
    Dec 20, 2023 3:54 PM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    Maybe he was killing 2 birds with one turd


    Banana smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
  • Hollywoodiletu Dating Profile
    Hollywoodiletu 2 Posts Ozark, Alabama, USA
    Dec 20, 2023 3:55 PM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    Killing 2 bids with one turd
  • Krista Dating Profile
    Krista 1 Post Kingston, New York, USA
    Aug 17, 2024 6:19 PM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    While on video chat with a gentleman I had known for 30yrs and already been intimate with either forgot or didn't care that he had walked to the bathroom while video chatting with me. He started off in the bedroom and during the conversation it got dark and next thing I know he was no longer in the same spot.
    I said to him are you sitting on the toilet and he said yea. lol

    I’d say he was wankin the purple headed sperm slinger Thinking smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
  • Windwolf Dating Profile
    Windwolf 27 Posts Anniston, Alabama, USA
    Aug 18, 2024 1:53 AM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    While on video chat with a gentleman I had known for 30yrs and already been intimate with either forgot or didn't care that he had walked to the bathroom while video chatting with me. He started off in the bedroom and during the conversation it got dark and next thing I know he was no longer in the same spot.
    I said to him are you sitting on the toilet and he said yea. lol

    Sorry I'm not going to vote because I don't see a really adequate answer.
    Something like because he's a "skank".

  • RoyalMan Dating Profile
    RoyalMan 92 Posts Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, USA
    Aug 18, 2024 5:46 AM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    A Beginner's Guide to Golden Showers and Piss Play Fetishes
    "Urophilia — golden showers, piss play, and the like — is such a common kink that there are piss parties full of folks who want to explore this,says New York sex therapist
    www.allure.com › story › golden-showers-sex-fetish-piss-play-for-beginners

  • RoyalMan Dating Profile
    RoyalMan 92 Posts Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, USA
    Aug 18, 2024 5:47 AM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    More Glossary of Kink Terms You Didn't Want to Know Westword
    Some people get off on giving away their money, and not in an altruistic way. A paypig willingly hands over cash to someone else, in a form of financial domination that offers no sexual acts.... and more - sh-t, toilet play, see learn
    www.westword.com › news › a-glossary-of-kink-terms-you-didnt-want-to-know-but-now-will-
  • RoyalMan Dating Profile
    RoyalMan 92 Posts Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, USA
    Aug 18, 2024 5:47 AM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    Coprophilia - Wikipedia
    Coprophilia. Smother box for engaging in erotic coprophagy. Coprophilia from Greek κÏŒπρος, kópros 'excrement' and φιλία, philía 'liking, fondness', also called scatophilia or scat Greek: σκατά, skatá ' feces ', is the paraphilia involving sexual arousal and pleasure from feces
    en.wikipedia.org wiki › Coprophilia
  • Windwolf Dating Profile
    Windwolf 27 Posts Anniston, Alabama, USA
    Aug 18, 2024 6:07 AM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    More Glossary of Kink Terms You Didn't Want to Know Westword
    Some people get off on giving away their money, and not in an altruistic way. A paypig willingly hands over cash to someone else, in a form of financial domination that offers no sexual acts.... and more - sh-t, toilet play, see learn
    www.westword.com › news › a-glossary-of-kink-terms-you-didnt-want-to-know-but-now-will-

    In my experience, most people have some degree of what others call kink.
    However, any degree of kink requires developing some level of trust.
    People who rush into kink without the consent of someone else that would be involved does not build trust.
    Obviously if toilet play was consensual in this case, then we would not be having this discussion and this thread would be nonexistent.
  • Thom_w Dating Profile
    Thom_w 19 Posts San Jose, California, USA
    Aug 19, 2024 4:28 PM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    While on video chat with a gentleman I had known for 30yrs and already been intimate with either forgot or didn't care that he had walked to the bathroom while video chatting with me. He started off in the bedroom and during the conversation it got dark and next thing I know he was no longer in the same spot.
    I said to him are you sitting on the toilet and he said yea. lol

    After having been intimate, and having known each other for 30 years, I find myself asking what your problem is. It sounds like familiarity, which would seem like a good thing in the circumstances you describe. Did you find it gross, or are you upset because you weren't getting 100% of his attention? I'm guessing that if he were being blatant about it, or gross, you wouldn't have had to ask him. Out of curiosity, why aren't you asking him instead of us. Interesting that you are put out by it but have no problem posting it on line. I was married for 40 years. For her to be on the toilet while I was in the shower was common. At some point in a relationship normal people quit pretending that bodily functions don't occur. I'm going to guess that before being intimate, you insisted on the lights being out.
  • Michael1877 Dating Profile
    Michael1877 5 Posts Bakersfield, California, USA
    Feb 1, 2025 3:17 PM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    I think whatever the case, if you've barely got to know eachother, is a bit strange lol. Some dudes don't give AF. In my opinion it is a red flag,what else would the guy do when video chatting😂😂 I suppose if you like the guy and dont mind him sitting on the toilet when talking to you can bring the relationship to a comfortable level even faster than usual haha. Also he could be pushing the limits with you. What better way to find out how judgmental a woman is. !!! Or how laid back and is I'm assuming.
  • lovesong Dating Profile
    lovesong 11 Posts Falkirk, Scotland, United Kingdom
    Feb 3, 2025 10:21 PM UTC

    Why would a man be sitting on the toilet while on facetime with a woman?

    sitting on the toilet and he said yea. lol

    cause shes that sexy dosent want to miss her
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Poll Statistics
26 Votes (8 Women, 18 Men)
Last Vote: Feb 3, 2025 10:53 PM UTC
Created: Sep 6, 2022 3:20 PM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Feb 3, 2025 10:21 PM UTC
Likes: 11 (7 Women, 4 Men)
Last Liked: Nov 18, 2024 1:47 AM UTC
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