Compatibility Questions & Matching Percentages

Click here to answer personality & compatibility questions - Registered users can answer a number of various multiple-choice personality and compatibility questions. Topics range from Lifestyle & Personality, Sex & Dating, Faith & Religion, Ethics & Politics, Relationships & Family. These questions are completely optional, so you can answer a few of them, all of them or none of them.

If you want to answer a question, there are a few requirements. First, you must choose one multiple choice answer. Then, choose one or more answers that you would prefer others users to answer that same question with. Lastly, choose how important that user's answer is to the question. Optional: You can also write a short description elaborating on your answer, how you want others to answer, or how you feel about the topic of the question. You can delete or edit your answers at any time.

When you answer a question, your profile is then compared to all compatible users on LetsHangOut who answered the same question. When browsing other user's profiles, you can see a list of all the questions that they answered and a match percentage. You can also search for compatible users who also answered the same question.

My Matches - percentages and rankings

Click here to view your matches - When your answers are compared with all other users, those users will appear on your "My Matches" page, ranked with the highest match percentages first. You can also search through these matches and refine the searches as well. If you have not answered any questions, or if there are very few matches, we will list some alternative "general" matches as well.

To get the most accurate match with a specific user: Login and view their profile, click the "Click For User's Question & Answer Details" button in their "Match Summary" section (if they answered any questions). This page displays a list of all the questions that they answered. You can then answer all of those same questions and LetsHangOut will compare all answers from you and the user for the best possible match percentage. From this page, you can search for other compatible users who answered those same questions. Any questions that you answer will automatically also be compared with all other users, and all the best matches will appear on your My Matches page.

How answers and match rankings work

When you first answer a question, you are asked how you would like your potential date to answer that question. If that user chooses an answer that you selected as an answer you prefer other users to answer, a match is then made. Each question can have it's own "weight" during a match, some questions are more important than others. When you answer the question, you also select "How important is their answer to you". If you choose "Very Important", then the question has much more weight when a match is made (and a higher match percentage), as opposed to a question with "Not Much Importance".

When you select "Any Of The Above", or mark all answers as those you would prefer your potential date to answer, this marks the question as "Not Important At All" by default, as any answer does not matter to you - and the question is no longer factored into finding matches for you. However, your original answer to the question can still be important to other users and factor into their own matches, depending on how you answer the question!

Match Confidence Level

When you view your matches and profiles with Q&A summaries, there will be a "Confidence Level" displayed. This describes how confident our algorithms are in the match percentage. When you have very few questions answers, or if there are very few questions being compared with other users, this will naturally result in a match with "Low Confidence". This simply means we don't have enough Q&A data to know for sure if your match is a good match or not. Answering more questions and having more questions compared, will result in matches with "Good" or "High" confidence (whether the match % is high or low). This shows we have plenty of data to work with in order to determine how well your match is, or how well you match up with other users.

Still cannot find what you are looking for?

Please check out our dating community and support forum to ask questions or get help on a particular subject. A great forum in the community is: Questions & Suggestions, where you can post questions or search for previously answered questions by other users. If all else fails or if you need to contact us directly, feel free to email us at: We receive thousands of emails daily, so the forum or the FAQ help page may provide you with a quicker answer.