Upload Images

Click here to upload and edit your photos - All users can upload up to 20 photos for their profile. Uploading photos is HIGHLY recommended as it can increase your profile views by 10x or more. Most users search for profiles with photos and exclude profiles without photos. Images can be uploaded, edited and deleted at any time, and a short caption can also be added to each photo. You can select only one Main Image - which is the photo that appears in search results and profile lists throughout LetsHangOut.

Acceptable formats:


Maximum File Size:

5 Megabytes (5MB)

Minimum Image Dimension Size:

300 x 300 pixels

Images too large:

Many modern digital cameras today can now take extremely high resolution pictures. This results in extremely large file sizes. Raw images taken directly from camera can be as large as 10 Megabytes (10MB), 20MB, 60MB and even 100MB+ in size. These photos are not very practical for use on the web and the size needs to be reduced. Oftentimes, the camera settings can be changed to reduce the resolution of the image.

Existing photos can also be made "web friendly" at any time. Photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop allows you to load a raw camera image, which can be "Saved for use on the web", which will optimize the image, compress it and reduce it's file size, while still maintaining practically the same image quality - It would be extremely difficult for a human to tell the difference between a raw image and an optimized "web friendly" image! If you do not have photo editing software, there are free websites out there that allow you to upload an image, optimize and/or rotate the image, and you can download an optimized image for use on the web. One such website for image optimization is: http://www.imageoptimizer.net/Pages/Home.aspx.

Still cannot find what you are looking for?

Please check out our dating community and support forum to ask questions or get help on a particular subject. A great forum in the community is: Questions & Suggestions, where you can post questions or search for previously answered questions by other users. If all else fails or if you need to contact us directly, feel free to email us at: contact@letshangout.com. We receive thousands of emails daily, so the forum or the FAQ help page may provide you with a quicker answer.