The universe (34)

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  • Dougennis Dating Profile
    Dougennis OP 2 Posts Spencer, North Carolina, USA
    Sep 22, 2018 5:03 PM UTC
    I grew up in the era where the Big Bang and The Steady State were in competition. Now we know the Steady State is ridiculous, as the observable universe is expanding. Then we learn that 98% of the matter is unaccounted for, this giving rise to both dark matter and dark energy. String Theory is exploring super symmetry and 11 dimensions, most of which are folded and undectectable. Loop Quantum Gravity posits there discrete parts of reality that can be observed, as per Einstein.I

    Sorry, this sh it is boring to most people. I was bored and thought I would type to a place no one has posted.
  • Dougennis Dating Profile
    Dougennis OP 2 Posts Spencer, North Carolina, USA
    Sep 22, 2018 7:26 PM UTC
    Hey, don't run away! We can discuss philosophy next!
  • loree56 Dating Profile
    loree56 1 Post MONMOUTH, Oregon, USA
    Sep 23, 2018 12:18 AM UTC
    You're funny!
  • Mobjay Dating Profile
    Mobjay 40 Posts Long Beach, California, USA
    Aug 20, 2019 12:05 AM UTC

    You're funny!

    I think science and god are more in tune. God is energy the source we are vibrations. I think the real story of god is more sinister then we think
  • Mobjay Dating Profile
    Mobjay 40 Posts Long Beach, California, USA
    Aug 20, 2019 12:06 AM UTC

    You're funny!

    I think science and god are more in tune. God is energy the source we are vibrations. I think the real story of god is more sinister then we think
  • Wanderwick Dating Profile
    Wanderwick 1 Post Plaza de la Revolucion, La Habana, Cuba
    Aug 20, 2019 1:02 AM UTC
    do you think that there is something that can move faster than light?
  • Mobjay Dating Profile
    Mobjay 40 Posts Long Beach, California, USA
    Sep 10, 2019 10:00 AM UTC

    do you think that there is something that can move faster than light?

  • Mobjay Dating Profile
    Mobjay 40 Posts Long Beach, California, USA
    Sep 10, 2019 10:01 AM UTC

    I grew up in the era where the Big Bang and The Steady State were in competition. Now we know the Steady State is ridiculous, as the observable universe is expanding. Then we learn that 98% of the matter is unaccounted for, this giving rise to both dark matter and dark energy. String Theory is exploring super symmetry and 11 dimensions, most of which are folded and undectectable. Loop Quantum Gravity posits there discrete parts of reality that can be observed, as per Einstein.I

    Sorry, this sh it is boring to most people. I was bored and thought I would type to a place no one has posted.

    . This isn't boring
  • Mobjay Dating Profile
    Mobjay 40 Posts Long Beach, California, USA
    Oct 26, 2019 10:34 AM UTC

    I grew up in the era where the Big Bang and The Steady State were in competition. Now we know the Steady State is ridiculous, as the observable universe is expanding. Then we learn that 98% of the matter is unaccounted for, this giving rise to both dark matter and dark energy. String Theory is exploring super symmetry and 11 dimensions, most of which are folded and undectectable. Loop Quantum Gravity posits there discrete parts of reality that can be observed, as per Einstein.I

    Sorry, this sh it is boring to most people. I was bored and thought I would type to a place no one has posted.

    This stuff is not boring it's sad most people dong get excited over this topic. I have a hard time believing no one on here ever wonder where they came from Here's a question. Do you believe in hypothesis that octopus might from outer space
  • Mobjay Dating Profile
    Mobjay 40 Posts Long Beach, California, USA
    Oct 26, 2019 10:37 AM UTC

    do you think that there is something that can move faster than light?

    Glow worms maybe. Not theory yet but it's in discussion aliens might use to travel faster from
    Galaxy to galaxy
  • Mobjay Dating Profile
    Mobjay 40 Posts Long Beach, California, USA
    Oct 26, 2019 10:38 AM UTC

    I grew up in the era where the Big Bang and The Steady State were in competition. Now we know the Steady State is ridiculous, as the observable universe is expanding. Then we learn that 98% of the matter is unaccounted for, this giving rise to both dark matter and dark energy. String Theory is exploring super symmetry and 11 dimensions, most of which are folded and undectectable. Loop Quantum Gravity posits there discrete parts of reality that can be observed, as per Einstein.I

    Sorry, this sh it is boring to most people. I was bored and thought I would type to a place no one has posted.

    This stuff is not boring it's sad most people dong get excited over this topic. I have a hard time believing no one on here ever wonder where they came from Here's a question. Do you believe in hypothesis that octopus might from outer space
  • lilmswit Dating Profile
    Jul 25, 2020 4:35 PM UTC

    I grew up in the era where the Big Bang and The Steady State were in competition. Now we know the Steady State is ridiculous, as the observable universe is expanding. Then we learn that 98% of the matter is unaccounted for, this giving rise to both dark matter and dark energy. String Theory is exploring super symmetry and 11 dimensions, most of which are folded and undectectable. Loop Quantum Gravity posits there discrete parts of reality that can be observed, as per Einstein.I

    Sorry, this sh it is boring to most people. I was bored and thought I would type to a place no one has posted.

    This stuff is not boring it's sad most people dong get excited over this topic. I have a hard time believing no one on here ever wonder where they came from Here's a question. Do you believe in hypothesis that octopus might from outer space

    I definitely question where we came from! From all the years that I've been looking stuff up(researching for 10 yr's) I've come to the conclusion, that nothing happened the way we learned it. Our history was rewritten, by the ELITES. Religion was created to control people, along with the Bible. So much that has been hidden from us. So many lies have been told. People believe in the mainstream media news too much. People need to start asking questions, and get rid of your 'tel lie vision"(television)
    Do your own research and quit believing everything the news media says. You are only told, what THEY want you to know, not the truth! There might be 2% of truth, and the rest is made up. So a shred of truth mixed with big huge lies. Dont believe me? Start researching for yourself, and you will find the truth on your own.

  • Mobjay Dating Profile
    Mobjay 40 Posts Long Beach, California, USA
    Jan 11, 2021 8:04 AM UTC

    I grew up in the era where the Big Bang and The Steady State were in competition. Now we know the Steady State is ridiculous, as the observable universe is expanding. Then we learn that 98% of the matter is unaccounted for, this giving rise to both dark matter and dark energy. String Theory is exploring super symmetry and 11 dimensions, most of which are folded and undectectable. Loop Quantum Gravity posits there discrete parts of reality that can be observed, as per Einstein.I

    Sorry, this sh it is boring to most people. I was bored and thought I would type to a place no one has posted.

    This stuff is not boring it's sad most people dong get excited over this topic. I have a hard time believing no one on here ever wonder where they came from Here's a question. Do you believe in hypothesis that octopus might from outer space

    I definitely question where we came from! From all the years that I've been looking stuff up(researching for 10 yr's) I've come to the conclusion, that nothing happened the way we learned it. Our history was rewritten, by the ELITES. Religion was created to control people, along with the Bible. So much that has been hidden from us. So many lies have been told. People believe in the mainstream media news too much. People need to start asking questions, and get rid of your 'tel lie vision"(television)
    Do your own research and quit believing everything the news media says. You are only told, what THEY want you to know, not the truth! There might be 2% of truth, and the rest is made up. So a shred of truth mixed with big huge lies. Dont believe me? Start researching for yourself, and you will find the truth on your own.

    im with youn an alot of your opinion i would never csall myself a religious person, due to the fact it has caused more harm then good. i do believe theres god i believe the bible is missing some books like the part yeshue teaches how to cure yourself with strong meditating. i think things got re-wriyyen to control women and poor people, i do beieve god is alot more sinister then we think keep in mind hew drowned the world not lucifer, theres a verse where he states a threat. lucifer is still an angel a realist and strearn stricked angel just look at the job story. i think god is karma, the adam and eve story got twisted up to blame women for death and suffering. god needed volunteers he willl never ask for favors or be direct eve figuredf out the puzzle why would god leavre them an eden where everyuthing is perfec. god was pleased with her adam was proud named her eve meaning a new morning

  • LewisDelRio Dating Profile
    Jan 25, 2021 10:49 AM UTC

    I grew up in the era where the Big Bang and The Steady State were in competition. Now we know the Steady State is ridiculous, as the observable universe is expanding. Then we learn that 98% of the matter is unaccounted for, this giving rise to both dark matter and dark energy. String Theory is exploring super symmetry and 11 dimensions, most of which are folded and undectectable. Loop Quantum Gravity posits there discrete parts of reality that can be observed, as per Einstein.I

    Sorry, this sh it is boring to most people. I was bored and thought I would type to a place no one has posted.

    This stuff is not boring it's sad most people dong get excited over this topic. I have a hard time believing no one on here ever wonder where they came from Here's a question. Do you believe in hypothesis that octopus might from outer space

    I definitely question where we came from! From all the years that I've been looking stuff up(researching for 10 yr's) I've come to the conclusion, that nothing happened the way we learned it. Our history was rewritten, by the ELITES. Religion was created to control people, along with the Bible. So much that has been hidden from us. So many lies have been told. People believe in the mainstream media news too much. People need to start asking questions, and get rid of your 'tel lie vision"(television)
    Do your own research and quit believing everything the news media says. You are only told, what THEY want you to know, not the truth! There might be 2% of truth, and the rest is made up. So a shred of truth mixed with big huge lies. Dont believe me? Start researching for yourself, and you will find the truth on your own.

    Wow! I never thought I would meet a fellow free thinker who actually uses logic and reasoning rather than depending on the news media! Bravo! I tip my hat to you...

  • Atheist10 Dating Profile
    Atheist10 4 Posts San Francisco, California, USA
    Feb 20, 2021 11:01 AM UTC
    I dont know, you talk about strings, the 11th or even M theory but its just so damb small i finally lost interest. I grew up a 6 min bike ride from the Teletron in Illinois and have always been into particle physics ever since the hunt for the top quark. it was exciting. there was a buzz in the air even for those who had no idea what the teletron did. It was more hype than the higgs from my memory. But like i said, i just dont have the math to keep up. But what i can follow and am way hyped on is Susskind and Boussos' (here at Berkeley) Holographic Universe theory. I was in a 4 month Coma and came out of it right when that theory was hot of the presses and still was crazy talk but i remember watching lectures till i got it. Maybe a couple hundred times. But if you are reading this , have the interest but lack the tools (equations) watch this video its clear ,concise and is basically one thought exp. If you know any black hole theory this will be easy. its just another horizon like the Schwartzchield. I mention this cause u mentioned the 11th dimension . this theory says that our four dimensional space time only hold the information content of a three dimensional space time. So what does that do to the quantum I ask you?

    heres that lecture

    if that dosent work search "the world as a hologram Boussos"
  • Atheist10 Dating Profile
    Atheist10 4 Posts San Francisco, California, USA
    Feb 20, 2021 11:12 AM UTC
    Wanderwick its true you cant violate the light limit but u can beat it in reletivity. the edge of our universe horizon is already moving away from u faster than the speed of light. It may not be but from our frame of refence it is. Think about the speed of a ping pong ball on a train in play. one way its traveling much faster than the other if u include the speed of the train. somebody off the track can see it the people on the train see something different. So if something is moving close to the speed of light and the planet your on goes around the sun and starts moving away at enough relative speed you can see that indeed something in your field of view is moving away from you faster than the speed of light...but here's the real fucked up part ready....the light leaving the object towards your eyeball also is limited by the speed of light. thats why things falling into a black hole never get there. they both freeze in spacetime forever and also fall in the black hole. Cause the gravity is so intense it stops any light of the object actually falling in from ever reaching u. So what realitty is true? Science and Hawking say both are true. @ realities because two frames of reference. That question u asked could take multiple life times to answer but what a great question. Ive spent years thinking about it.
  • PeculiarWoman Dating Profile
    Dec 7, 2021 2:41 AM UTC
    Is this truly a "free speech" zone?

    Well, let's just see about that. Shall we???

    "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
    William Casey, CIA Director 1981

    Pretty much everything you've been taught about history is a lie.
    Research: Mud Flood.
    Research: Orphan Trains.
    Research: "Live Babies in Incubators" exhibitions.
    Research: Holodomore.
    Research: USS Liberty.
    Research: Project Paperclip.
    Research: The "Federal" Reserve.
    Research: Relationship between Freemasonry, Luciferianism and Judaism.
    Research: The relationship between Communism, Zionism and Judaism.
    Research: Ernst Zundle.
    Research: Noahide Laws.
    Research: Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030.
    Research: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
    Research: Babylonian Talmud.
    Research: Chemtrails.
    Research: Fluoride.
    Research: Gene Modification therapy.

    Everything you've been taught about "space" is a lie.
    You're not allowed to research flat earth anymore though because Google (and its subsidiary YouTube) have decided it's too dangerous for you to look into. Too many millions of people world wide are now awake to the deception.
    Research: Operation Fishbowl.
    Research: Operation Dominique.
    Research: Project Paperclip.
    Research: NASA relationship to Freemasonry.
    Research: Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
    Research: NASA composite images.
    Research: Images of the earth from space.
    Research: long distance photography v. curvature of the earth.
    Research: adjusting for curvature of the earth for bridges, rail lines and canals.
    Research: fish eye lenses and high altitude rockets.
    Do Not Research: Flat Earth Society because they are "controlled opposition."

    99.9% of all church buildings are infiltrated and controlled.
    They have contracted with the government and are not allowed to discuss certain topics.

    Christianity is not a church building or sports arena and most people who go to these buildings are being deceived, as their pastors, and their pastor's pastors, and their pastor's pastor's pastors were deceived in their schools before them.

    For all of the atheists and agnostics out there...
    You ought to know that every Luciferian, every true Satanist, every Wiccan, every Druid, every Freemason, every religious Pagan of any sort with any rank considers you stupid because you don't know that God is real.

    Without the Creator to rebel against, and fallen angels as their gods, their religions would not exist.
    The Bible never was a Jewish book. I just thought you should know.
    I too was in unbelief but it is definitely all very real.
    Don't fall for the lies. It's all real. Wake up!

  • DruggingAndFucking Dating Profile
    Dec 11, 2021 7:28 PM UTC

    I grew up in the era where the Big Bang and The Steady State were in competition. Now we know the Steady State is ridiculous, as the observable universe is expanding. Then we learn that 98% of the matter is unaccounted for, this giving rise to both dark matter and dark energy. String Theory is exploring super symmetry and 11 dimensions, most of which are folded and undectectable. Loop Quantum Gravity posits there discrete parts of reality that can be observed, as per Einstein.I

    Sorry, this sh it is boring to most people. I was bored and thought I would type to a place no one has posted.

    I have a belief that the universe (observable and unobservable) could be contracting as opposed to expanding. However, i also believe that the universe might be going through simultaneous events, meaning both are happening at the same time expanding AND contracting in a way that is similar to our lungs when we breathe. Maybe there isn't a true initial point not a true end point.
  • Smokeyjdc420 Dating Profile
    Smokeyjdc420 4 Posts Mansfield, Texas, USA
    Jan 20, 2023 4:51 PM UTC
    So I'm a little late on the subject that I hope you'll see this go to YouTube and search structure of the brain versus the universe it'll blow your mind maybe we're living in touch somebody's brain maybe we're atoms tell everything that
  • Smokeyjdc420 Dating Profile
    Smokeyjdc420 4 Posts Mansfield, Texas, USA
    Jan 20, 2023 5:02 PM UTC

    Okay well I try to edit this but I was really high and it didn't work so I'm just going to comment on my own what I was trying to say at the end was maybe we are living in somebody's brain maybe we're the atoms or the neutrons or whatever the f*** in their brain just something to think about
  • Smokeyjdc420 Dating Profile
    Smokeyjdc420 4 Posts Mansfield, Texas, USA
    Jan 20, 2023 5:09 PM UTC
    I better video to check out would be are we living in somebody's mind
  • Rene43 Dating Profile
    Rene43 2 Posts Glendale, Arizona, USA
    Mar 30, 2023 12:19 PM UTC

    Is this truly a "free speech" zone?

    Well, let's just see about that. Shall we???

    "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
    William Casey, CIA Director 1981

    Pretty much everything you've been taught about history is a lie.
    Research: Mud Flood.
    Research: Orphan Trains.
    Research: "Live Babies in Incubators" exhibitions.
    Research: Holodomore.
    Research: USS Liberty.
    Research: Project Paperclip.
    Research: The "Federal" Reserve.
    Research: Relationship between Freemasonry, Luciferianism and Judaism.
    Research: The relationship between Communism, Zionism and Judaism.
    Research: Ernst Zundle.
    Research: Noahide Laws.
    Research: Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030.
    Research: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
    Research: Babylonian Talmud.
    Research: Chemtrails.
    Research: Fluoride.
    Research: Gene Modification therapy.

    Everything you've been taught about "space" is a lie.
    You're not allowed to research flat earth anymore though because Google (and its subsidiary YouTube) have decided it's too dangerous for you to look into. Too many millions of people world wide are now awake to the deception.
    Research: Operation Fishbowl.
    Research: Operation Dominique.
    Research: Project Paperclip.
    Research: NASA relationship to Freemasonry.
    Research: Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
    Research: NASA composite images.
    Research: Images of the earth from space.
    Research: long distance photography v. curvature of the earth.
    Research: adjusting for curvature of the earth for bridges, rail lines and canals.
    Research: fish eye lenses and high altitude rockets.
    Do Not Research: Flat Earth Society because they are "controlled opposition."

    99.9% of all church buildings are infiltrated and controlled.
    They have contracted with the government and are not allowed to discuss certain topics.

    Christianity is not a church building or sports arena and most people who go to these buildings are being deceived, as their pastors, and their pastor's pastors, and their pastor's pastor's pastors were deceived in their schools before them.

    For all of the atheists and agnostics out there...
    You ought to know that every Luciferian, every true Satanist, every Wiccan, every Druid, every Freemason, every religious Pagan of any sort with any rank considers you stupid because you don't know that God is real.

    Without the Creator to rebel against, and fallen angels as their gods, their religions would not exist.
    The Bible never was a Jewish book. I just thought you should know.
    I too was in unbelief but it is definitely all very real.
    Don't fall for the lies. It's all real. Wake up!

  • Rene43 Dating Profile
    Rene43 2 Posts Glendale, Arizona, USA
    Mar 30, 2023 12:24 PM UTC
    [I found your post to be facinating. I spend a lot of time online researching conspiracy theory, theology, 911, red flag events and more. I am firmly convinced that the "man on the moon" was staged. I've viewed hundreds of pictures supposedly taken of the men on the moon and there are no stars visible. In fact, so many of the pictures supposedly taken from the moon to the earth have the earth entirely out of scale. It's almost comical.

    I'd love to hear more from you.

  • MeNYou Dating Profile
    Mar 30, 2023 10:05 PM UTC
    Look into MK ultra, and what the finding of what they found out was possible from that
  • rpexplorer Dating Profile
    rpexplorer 1 Post Parker Trailer Park, Arizona, USA
    Apr 3, 2023 4:22 AM UTC

    [I found your post to be facinating. I spend a lot of time online researching conspiracy theory, theology, 911, red flag events and more. I am firmly convinced that the "man on the moon" was staged. I've viewed hundreds of pictures supposedly taken of the men on the moon and there are no stars visible. In fact, so many of the pictures supposedly taken from the moon to the earth have the earth entirely out of scale. It's almost comical.

    I'd love to hear more from you.

    Hi Rene, I have missed your window on two counts with the first being I just turned 83 and the second is we are about 100 miles apart. I would certainly like listening to and conversing on your conspiracy theories though and if you ever stray as far as Arizona's western border you would at least have one person not a stranger. Bill
  • Nightwolf Dating Profile
    Nightwolf 1 Post Johnstown, New York, USA
    May 30, 2023 1:24 AM UTC

    I grew up in the era where the Big Bang and The Steady State were in competition. Now we know the Steady State is ridiculous, as the observable universe is expanding. Then we learn that 98% of the matter is unaccounted for, this giving rise to both dark matter and dark energy. String Theory is exploring super symmetry and 11 dimensions, most of which are folded and undectectable. Loop Quantum Gravity posits there discrete parts of reality that can be observed, as per Einstein.I

    Sorry, this sh it is boring to most people. I was bored and thought I would type to a place no one has posted.

    I enjoy this. Whats up
  • SororOnyx Dating Profile
    SororOnyx 7 Posts East Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA
    Jun 1, 2023 4:25 AM UTC

    do you think that there is something that can move faster than light?


    "Move?" Light is a "Pulse" a "Wave" much like how ocean water ripple ... but it's not "Moving" or "traveling anywhere" perse, meaning traveling to another location. Which is why they are called "Light Waves" a pulse, similar to a heart beat/pulse.

  • tyedyesound Dating Profile
    tyedyesound 3 Posts Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
    Jul 5, 2023 11:48 PM UTC
    Well I would love to talk to you about the universe, from a spiritual reality kind of viewpoint and perspective. But right now I have some things going on and when I get free time later today I'll try to come back again and share what I would like to share with you, I think you will like it if you just take it as it is and not try to tear it apart.
  • tyedyesound Dating Profile
    tyedyesound 3 Posts Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
    Jul 5, 2023 11:59 PM UTC

    do you think that there is something that can move faster than light?

    Yes Sight is faster than Light
    And thought is faster than sight.
    Faith sees things that don't exist yet, that's pretty fast.
    We are more than just flesh and blood, and it has yet to be seen what we really are. Once we cross over to the Other Side of this death. Yes there are two paths you can go by but in the long run there isn't much time to change the road you're on. ;)
  • tyedyesound Dating Profile
    tyedyesound 3 Posts Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
    Jul 6, 2023 12:16 AM UTC

    "Without the Creator to rebel against, and fallen angels as their gods, their religions would not exist.
    The Bible never was a Jewish book. I just thought you should know.
    I too was in unbelief but it is definitely all very real.
    Don't fall for the lies. It's all real. Wake up

    I agree...
    The Bible is real. I don't just 'think' it's real or not, I know it's real.. if I were to tell you my testimony you would see clearly how God brought me to Him as I was seeking, like everyone out there is doing, trying to find Him and they don't know why....
    I will tell you two things,
  • SororOnyx Dating Profile
    SororOnyx 7 Posts East Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA
    Oct 13, 2023 3:39 PM UTC

    Is this truly a "free speech" zone?

    Well, let's just see about that. Shall we???

    "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
    William Casey, CIA Director 1981

    Pretty much everything you've been taught about history is a lie.
    Research: Mud Flood.
    Research: Orphan Trains.
    Research: "Live Babies in Incubators" exhibitions.
    Research: Holodomore.
    Research: USS Liberty.
    Research: Project Paperclip.
    Research: The "Federal" Reserve.
    Research: Relationship between Freemasonry, Luciferianism and Judaism.
    Research: The relationship between Communism, Zionism and Judaism.
    Research: Ernst Zundle.
    Research: Noahide Laws.
    Research: Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030.
    Research: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
    Research: Babylonian Talmud.
    Research: Chemtrails.
    Research: Fluoride.
    Research: Gene Modification therapy.

    Everything you've been taught about "space" is a lie.
    You're not allowed to research flat earth anymore though because Google (and its subsidiary YouTube) have decided it's too dangerous for you to look into. Too many millions of people world wide are now awake to the deception.
    Research: Operation Fishbowl.
    Research: Operation Dominique.
    Research: Project Paperclip.
    Research: NASA relationship to Freemasonry.
    Research: Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
    Research: NASA composite images.
    Research: Images of the earth from space.
    Research: long distance photography v. curvature of the earth.
    Research: adjusting for curvature of the earth for bridges, rail lines and canals.
    Research: fish eye lenses and high altitude rockets.
    Do Not Research: Flat Earth Society because they are "controlled opposition."

    99.9% of all church buildings are infiltrated and controlled.
    They have contracted with the government and are not allowed to discuss certain topics.

    Christianity is not a church building or sports arena and most people who go to these buildings are being deceived, as their pastors, and their pastor's pastors, and their pastor's pastor's pastors were deceived in their schools before them.

    For all of the atheists and agnostics out there...
    You ought to know that every Luciferian, every true Satanist, every Wiccan, every Druid, every Freemason, every religious Pagan of any sort with any rank considers you stupid because you don't know that God is real.

    Without the Creator to rebel against, and fallen angels as their gods, their religions would not exist.
    The Bible never was a Jewish book. I just thought you should know.
    I too was in unbelief but it is definitely all very real.
    Don't fall for the lies. It's all real. Wake up!

    Couldn't agree with you more! Well written! My New Book, titled "Devil's Playground, Living In A World Of Make Believe" discusses many of the topics you mentioned! Keep pushing that envelope! Stand by your convictions as long as they are always ROOTED in TRUTH! Be Peace!
  • Cindycwalton Dating Profile
    Cindycwalton 1 Post Decatur, Georgia, USA
    Nov 13, 2023 12:00 PM UTC
    When my daughter graduated from highschool the parents were asked to write ' love letters' to their graduates. I described my lover for as; like the Big Bang. Ever growing - ever expanding. Only my daughter got it. ??? What in the world were they teaching in science to highschool kids in those days???
    I.wonder what they teach in highschool science now.
    Any insight out there?
  • Tallseas Dating Profile
    Tallseas 4 Posts Pelion, South Carolina, USA
    Jan 6, 2024 9:52 AM UTC
    It always amazes me, the ignorance of " scientist" who support something as preposterous as "The big bang". Common sense just seems to fly out the window here. Without going into a huge volume of details, just consider a few small but relevant things. There entire theory is based on one single point of observation. Earth. And if you look west and take a snap shot of the farthest galaxy you can observe, it " appears to have an enormous redshift z=>13. Point it east and you get the same results. Infact, point it any direction you get the same results. So the conclusion they draw is, the universe is expanding and these galaxies are heading away a >99% the speed of light. Well that's convenient, but who made earth the center of the universe. Infinity is a concept man has a hard time wrapping their puny minds around. You cant expand infinity. If everything was expanding in space-time, then the galaxy they observe at a given point with that enormous redshift, when compared to another galaxy 90 degrees in another direction at the same redshift, they should be moving away from each other at 141% of the speed of light. But that is not what we observe and that makes it pretty much a non starter. Space is anything but empty. And the only samples we have are limited to our local environment. Our infinitesimally small solar system. Get out into interstellar space and it is a bit more crowded. But even that is so immeasurably small a sample it is nearly insignificant. Get out into intergalactic space and it is way more crowded. We can only observe what is illuminated or energized sufficiently for our very limited technology to detect. And ths vastness of the universe gives an extremely limited view from our singular vantage point. To draw such a conclusion as there must have been a big bang, based on such limited information is just nonsense.
  • Aracelis1997 Dating Profile
    Aracelis1997 3 Posts Berlin, Maryland, USA
    Mar 14, 2024 3:30 AM UTC

    It always amazes me, the ignorance of " scientist" who support something as preposterous as "The big bang". Common sense just seems to fly out the window here. Without going into a huge volume of details, just consider a few small but relevant things. There entire theory is based on one single point of observation. Earth. And if you look west and take a snap shot of the farthest galaxy you can observe, it " appears to have an enormous redshift z=>13. Point it east and you get the same results. Infact, point it any direction you get the same results. So the conclusion they draw is, the universe is expanding and these galaxies are heading away a >99% the speed of light. Well that's convenient, but who made earth the center of the universe. Infinity is a concept man has a hard time wrapping their puny minds around. You cant expand infinity. If everything was expanding in space-time, then the galaxy they observe at a given point with that enormous redshift, when compared to another galaxy 90 degrees in another direction at the same redshift, they should be moving away from each other at 141% of the speed of light. But that is not what we observe and that makes it pretty much a non starter. Space is anything but empty. And the only samples we have are limited to our local environment. Our infinitesimally small solar system. Get out into interstellar space and it is a bit more crowded. But even that is so immeasurably small a sample it is nearly insignificant. Get out into intergalactic space and it is way more crowded. We can only observe what is illuminated or energized sufficiently for our very limited technology to detect. And ths vastness of the universe gives an extremely limited view from our singular vantage point. To draw such a conclusion as there must have been a big bang, based on such limited information is just nonsense.

    I agree, so from where do you say ALL of that came from?
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