Dating Over 50 stinks.....LOL (52)
LilKat OP 1 Post Fort Worth, Texas, USAJul 26, 2022 1:46 AM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
Aug 22, 2022 1:17 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
I lost my wife 2 1/2 years ago. Guess I've always had that subdued wild streak, being independent and very spontaneous over 50. well that's another story 😆 and plenty of them. Grass doesn't grow under my arce. I've been searching for an activities partner, travel companionship, friend, romance I think you understand where I'm coming from. Where is Buna TX? -
Jul 19, 2023 3:58 PM UTC
Straight up sux !!! I havent dated in 25 yrs, It all seems to be done on platform's like this. Its just not me. I hate it.this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
Aug 13, 2023 9:03 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
You would Think that It would be Easier
But this Boy -Girl Thing
Seems so Complicated Still
It Should Not, Have to be so Difficult
Age Location Kids stuff Geeze
By Now Why Can't we Get Over ourselves and be a Little More Open to Possibilities ? ? ? -
Dec 11, 2023 2:06 AM UTC
I’m starting over again, but no one seems interested in old fashioned romance and LTC everyone just want to hop into bed, sorry, I’m Christian not happening. Where are all the good guys? Or should I just give up?
While I'm not looking for a long term non sexual relationship, I think someone looking for a long term relationship should be willing to work within the prospective partners comfort zone. While I'm not opposed to sex on the first date, I'm not expecting it either. But then I'm looking for sex within a loving relationship. I think that involves not pushing someone into something before they are comfortable with it.
Thom -
Dec 13, 2023 4:53 AM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
Yup, i remember it being a lot easier when I was younger.. I think the years off the market may have made my game rustyQuote:
Over and Over, I have conceded that I will be alone until I die, what the hell, you die alone anyway.
Dec 13, 2023 4:59 AM UTC
No, don't give up, there are some out there, I have been alone since 2008 when my wife died, I can't find a woman that could come close to filling her shoes, we treated each other so well, I'm very lucky to have found her. And now I'm too old to find a good woman because none exist.
I’m starting over again, but no one seems interested in old fashioned romance and LTC everyone just want to hop into bed, sorry, I’m Christian not happening. Where are all the good guys? Or should I just give up?
Dec 17, 2023 12:46 AM UTC
maybe you are using the wrong baitthis dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
Dec 17, 2023 6:24 PM UTCI am, LilKat... but you look a lot younger than 50?
Dave -
Dec 21, 2023 4:29 PM UTC
. Well , if you put an age limit of a 100 in your profile you will get more responses. I tried sending you a message but system won't allow it.this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
Dec 22, 2023 11:52 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
I completely agree. -
Jan 7, 2024 12:15 PM UTCThe only thing that has changed is us...we are not as young and stupid, so we avoid all the wierd ones, crazy ones, self centered ones, needy ones, greedy ones, strung out ones etc. Most of us have enough experience to recognize " she ain't it" in about 5 minutes. So that target has become super small now. We know what we want, so even though there are still a mountain of rocks out there, we just keep walking past all the rubble looking for that one we recognize has a gold nugget in there. Keep looking, the nuggets are out there.
Jan 13, 2024 11:51 PM UTC
I try talking to women now a days and the rules have changed so much I don't know what to do.
Hang in there and be yourself. They will either like you or not. It is the ones that are genuine that get happy ever after. -
Jan 13, 2024 11:56 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
I am a widowed 51yo female with a teen. Been off the market for over 15 years. Trying to get back in is hard. It is either they want to be intimate right off the bat or money. Whatever happen to the good guys? Good at heart, soul, and mind. . Cherish the other like they do you with love, honesty, respect, faithfulness. Loyalty, etc... it doesn't help to that I am Big and Beautiful. -
Jan 29, 2024 3:51 AM UTC
because so many idiots a not truthful and they are scammers so it makes it tuff on honest guys.this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
Mar 4, 2024 6:19 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
because so many idiots a not truthful and they are scammers so it makes it tuff on honest guys.
I like to look at it as opportunity to new adventures. Yes, there are a lot of lying people. You weed out the weenies as best you can. Take your safety seriously. You can leave anytime you don't feel comfortable. You just never know when the chemistry will be good. You can't win if you don't enter. -
Mar 5, 2024 3:12 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
because so many idiots a not truthful and they are scammers so it makes it tuff on honest guys.
I like to look at it as opportunity to new adventures. Yes, there are a lot of lying people. You weed out the weenies as best you can. Take your safety seriously. You can leave anytime you don't feel comfortable. You just never know when the chemistry will be good. You can't win if you don't enter.
Looking for an honest long term relationship. I will be in Vegas next week (Mar 12-14). Would you be interested in chatting, perhaps meet at a location that you prefer for lunch/dinner. -
May 3, 2024 12:51 PM UTC
. Look, I just turned 60, feel like I'm 50, look about 40. Have been with 2 women, at the same time , one for 16 years, and the other for 6. The 2 nd one knew about the 1 st, and she was married. Often, an affair will save a relationship or marriage.this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
May 14, 2024 10:21 PM UTCNo Picture --Easier NO - everyone thinks of you as
Jun 12, 2024 5:49 PM UTCIt definitely has its quirks, my things have changed since I was last single ( 25+ yrs ago )
Best of luck, lord knows I definitely need it.😉 -
Sep 4, 2024 2:55 AM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
Hey Kat,
Over 50 is kind of slow, but we have a lot less chance of making the wrong decisions because of the years of experience.
We trust ourselves more than what we did when we were younger and, we know it's alright to make up our own mind.
All of the places I used to go to meet people are probably non existent. It's starting all over again.
But, if don't look for love, love will find us. It lives within us and when love meets it's other half it will let us know. -
Sep 6, 2024 2:50 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
I am a widowed 51yo female with a teen. Been off the market for over 15 years. Trying to get back in is hard. It is either they want to be intimate right off the bat or money. Whatever happen to the good guys? Good at heart, soul, and mind. . Cherish the other like they do you with love, honesty, respect, faithfulness. Loyalty, etc... it doesn't help to that I am Big and Beautiful.
Being a BBW isn't all bad. They are some of us that enjoy the beauty of bigger girls. But yes, the problem of wanting intimacy immediately, that's just the way most of us men are built. For me, I've had several FWB relationships that turned into more. One lasted 9 1/2 years so getting naked isn't always a bad thing. -
Sep 6, 2024 10:30 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
It really matters on the person your talking to. Alot of people past 40 or so usually have very poor attitudes about relations, because they haven't grown and learned from their past relations. Part of having relationships, is improving yourself to bee the best you can be, and in a perfect world if that relation fails, you both know why, which means you BOTH need to fix "that."
It should make you both the wiser, more mature and we should learn from our mistakes. Unfortunately alot of people keep stepping in the relation loop, and never learn from their past and are doomed to repeat it. Many people I've met and talked to/dated (all the above) Its very obvious because they have poo pooo attitude about relations and not alot will change that theyre stuck in a negative rutt, and dont see their failures or refuse to accept them is alot of it.
NOBODIES perfect, but in theory with each relation were supposed to learn from each other and become better people overall, unfortunately most dont, they just get worse and become more bitter.
Its about learning from mistakes, being mature, getting over it and moving forward with your life. Theres a many steps it takes to push through all that, once you do it makes your future that much brighter. -
Sep 6, 2024 10:34 PM UTC
The only thing that has changed is us...we are not as young and stupid, so we avoid all the wierd ones, crazy ones, self centered ones, needy ones, greedy ones, strung out ones etc. Most of us have enough experience to recognize " she ain't it" in about 5 minutes. So that target has become super small now. We know what we want, so even though there are still a mountain of rocks out there, we just keep walking past all the rubble looking for that one we recognize has a gold nugget in there. Keep looking, the nuggets are out there.
BOOM! This mans totally right, as we get older, we recognize flags of all sorts, mental ones, emotional ones and all the above. Like he said it basically takes 5 minutes or a couple of simple questions. Good Job my Bro! =) -
Sep 7, 2024 8:24 AM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
I wouldn’t call it dating.. lol more like hooking up.. who has time for all that first date bs.. you old enough to know what you both want why pretend.. if it goes past that then great.. I enjoy my alone time the ability to do I want when I want.. When the inclination strikes me I’ll invite a woman to hookup. Is she’s down we have a freakin great time mutually beneficial stress relief and the back to doing what I want. It’s funny because I am way to young to be this old. -
Sep 7, 2024 5:30 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
since about 15 years ago dating changed....datings only for men who own everything are rich and dont worship God...
Those who do the opposite women just hate....
The problem isnt the mind of the all think men are required to do shit....but we aint yo....that why yalls single...and live with cats....welcome to future welcome to the truth...women....usually to dumb to get a decent man....end of story....and yall know Im right...i MEAN CMON women they wont even take a step in the right direction for the last 15 years lmao
None buy their own cars that THEY work do...parents do...someone else does thats NOT the female dont want a weak a** woman...nor a fricken fat a** lazy one either....
Ive been single 14 years going on 15 with VERY brief women not adding up is impossible the way the world is to find a good woman...becuase...there just are mother aunts sister cousins blah blah blah on and on all just the exact same greedy a** pu**y totin bittches....f*ck yall I wanna get real? 50....try 18....pathetic...women really are.. -
Sep 27, 2024 4:18 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
Wait 'til you're over REALLY sux then! LOL! -
Oct 20, 2024 7:12 PM UTC
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
since about 15 years ago dating changed....datings only for men who own everything are rich and dont worship God...
Those who do the opposite women just hate....
The problem isnt the mind of the all think men are required to do shit....but we aint yo....that why yalls single...and live with cats....welcome to future welcome to the truth...women....usually to dumb to get a decent man....end of story....and yall know Im right...i MEAN CMON women they wont even take a step in the right direction for the last 15 years lmao
None buy their own cars that THEY work do...parents do...someone else does thats NOT the female dont want a weak a** woman...nor a fricken fat a** lazy one either....
Ive been single 14 years going on 15 with VERY brief women not adding up is impossible the way the world is to find a good woman...becuase...there just are mother aunts sister cousins blah blah blah on and on all just the exact same greedy a** pu**y totin bittches....f*ck yall I wanna get real? 50....try 18....pathetic...women really are..
So it has to be the women, it couldn't be you. My, how enlightened you are. Walmart sells some pretty decent mirrors for not too much money. I don't know that you can really see attitude in a mirror, but you need to start somewhere. -
Nov 2, 2024 2:40 PM UTCDating in my late teens and early twenties, my experience was that the men were more likely to want commitment, and the women more often wanted to play the field. Dating in my fifties it seems to be the other way around...what a long, strange trip it's been.
Nov 2, 2024 3:12 PM UTCMarriage and LTRs are no longer of benefit to men but bring many liabilities. Men are usually expected to fulfill all the traditional expectations in a relationship while receiving none of the traditional benefits in return. Sex alone doesn't outweigh the burden of a demanding female.
Nov 3, 2024 1:01 AM UTC
hey Boochunk I know how you feel - I'm 69 and widowed for 2 years now and getting back it the game is hard - love to meet a man who is kind and funny and be friends and go from there - write back if interested - I live in beautiful Oregon
I try talking to women now a days and the rules have changed so much I don't know what to do. -
Nov 3, 2024 1:51 AM UTCUgh yes! I went on a date earlier this week and it was so weird. He was so aggressive in ways, not really what I wanted. Even if I AM looking for something casual and fun, shouldn't he at least be a gentleman?
Dec 8, 2024 4:59 PM UTC
I try talking to women now a days and the rules have changed so much I don't know what to do.Quote:
hey Boochunk I know how you feel - I'm 69 and widowed for 2 years now and getting back it the game is hard - love to meet a man who is kind and funny and be friends and go from there - write back if interested - I live in beautiful Oregon
Good -
Dec 11, 2024 1:08 PM UTC
The only thing that has changed is us...we are not as young and stupid, so we avoid all the wierd ones, crazy ones, self centered ones, needy ones, greedy ones, strung out ones etc. Most of us have enough experience to recognize " she ain't it" in about 5 minutes. So that target has become super small now. We know what we want, so even though there are still a mountain of rocks out there, we just keep walking past all the rubble looking for that one we recognize has a gold nugget in there. Keep looking, the nuggets are out there.
%100 agree with you, I would like to add to all you said that unfortunately we encounter the honesty issue these days more. and instead of using this improved technology for a better cause, many people go online to deceive others for very banal reasons such as flirting, sexuality, money and sometimes for their own pathological reasons.